I kinda feel bad for the Alliance. ... Oh, wait! Oh no! My alt is Alliance!

Idk what it is about Alliance. It’s common knowledge that you skip Korrak, leave some people behind to defend caps and have rogues or druids stealth cap towers/bunkers. Yet every game, every single game I see them rush Korrak. Hell I’ve stealth capped their bunkers before and have watched them just run right by it.

Shorter queues but more losses. I think the two offset each other so it isnt a grind on either faction. I’ve leveled nearly all my alts to full. Then just purchase the 385 ilvl gear and Nazz and im good.

I’m neither. It’s obviously anecdotal experience.

When the Alliance plays as a cohesive team, they win. It’s that simple. I can point at the Alliance as a whole as their losing far outweighs their winning in the current version of AV.

Don’t worry though. The event will end soon, and you can have your version back where the Horde is so severely gimped, the Alliance is all but guaranteed a an easy win.

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If you unironically believe this, you’re both.

Neither side has a significant advantage

Except that Blizz has said the Alliance have the advantage.

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Yes. I said that unironically. You’re the delusional one, or are just lying to yourself if you honestly believe there is not a SIGNIFICANT Alliance advantage(s) in the normal map.



There aren’t any alliance advantages in the other map. It’s just an excuse. I’ve heard people blame the bridge or the towers, but people never blame themselves.

Ugh I am so tired of listing these same bullet points, but what the hey, it’s almost Thanksgiving, and I’m feeling generous;

-The bridge as you pointed out has a drop in the middle that if you’re blown off, you die.
-Archers on the North Bunker can hit Horde players on the bridge.
-The bridge is the only access point to your base, as opposed to the two entrances to the Horde base.
-The Alliance has almost double the amount of NPC’s that HAVE to be dealt with before we can flip your last flag. Not to mention the ones that are somewhat out of the way, are really, really, easy to aggro with AOE attacks.
-Our towers are very small compared to your bunkers and can be defended with far fewer people than it takes to defend a bunker.
-Our towers take longer to get into because of their height, giving you that much more time on the flag flip, and if you have a class up top like a boomkin, defending, you can blow us out and we take fall damage. There is no fall damage if blown out of an Alliance bunker. Given, this can go the other way if we are defending from Alliance attackers.
-Our cave has been moved back farther and farther multiple times, giving your zerg a better chance to be at our field before we can get out and hit SHB. Meaning by the time we get to SHB, there is usually defenders waiting on us.
-The path into our base is not over a ravine, meaning even if you meet Horde defenders there or even at the choke point, your team doesn’t take fall damage, and does not lose time running back up to the bridge, assuming you managed to survive the drop.

So what does the horde have:

-Choke point in our base, forcing yes, a turtle.

…and that’s about it.

Think I have no idea what I am talking about? Look at my AV achievements.

So cry harder Mr. Alliance player. Yes, we have this event for a short time, while the Alliance has been steamrolling Horde in AV for YEARS. Even though we are winning now, it’s because the Alliance team is still trying to play it like a zerg. If you guys played a little defense, and went for objectives, with all of your advantages, you would still have an overwhelming winning percentage. So at the moment, the Alliance is losing because of your players, not the map. I promise you when regular AV comes back, your winning % will go back to 90+.


The only one crying here is you because you’re making up excuses for losing games instead of blaming yourself or your team.

Says the guy from the faction that has every possible advantage in AV but doesn’t want to admit it’s because even Blizzard developers have said that the Alliance is meant to win in AV.

Also, way to prove me wrong. But then again it’s because we both know the Alliance is heavily advantaged in regular AV.

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The Blizzard devs also said that there are no pvp vendors because pvpers won’t be able to find them.

Blaming your faction, the terrain, or towers doesn’t help you win.

If you’re bad or your team is bad, that’s your problem.

This is bait or horribly misinformed. Take your pick.

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AT least its shorter queue times?

Alliance losing AV? Well it’s about time.

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Dude why are you “White Knighting” so hard on this? There are so many Alliance players who openly admit there are MASSIVE Alliance advantages in AV! It’s not even arguable at this point anymore. It’s pretty much accepted as fact by anyone who is not bending over backwards to argue the advantages don’t exist! You are twisting yourself into knots to try and say the massive, overwhelming winning percentage the Alliance has in regular AV has nothing to do with the map, and everything to do with the players.

If that was even remotely true, the winning ratios would be a hell of a lot closer, but they just aren’t. In the current (non event) version of AV the Alliance has a 90 or higher percent win ratio. Don’t you think if the map had absolutely nothing to do with it, the win ratios would be closer to 70 / 30, 60/40, or even mid 50’s vs high 40’s?

Your arguments have presented no facts, and as hard as you want it to be different, the Alliance win ratio is INSANELY higher than the Horde in regular AV! You can’t tell me that 90% of Horde players are that bad at AV! How can we be? Look at how badly the factions are balanced! The Alliance side raiding is almost dead because of all of the Alliance players that have transferred to Horde! So we have our player base, plus most of the Alliance also, and you’re telling me that in all of that we don’t have enough competent players to field more than 10ish or so percent of winning AV’s?

My friend, I am not trying to be hateful to you, but you can’t argue statistics! If the Horde is losing 90’ish percent of AV’s in the modern version of AV, statistically, you can’t blame it all on player skill! The map plays a major role in the Horde’s constant losing, and you’re twisting yourself (and facts) into knots trying to say otherwise!

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I’m not white knighting anything.

Every single whine thread there is whenever are on a losing streak never account for the fact that it’s possible they themselves are bad or their team is just trash.

You can blame everything in the world, you won’t win if you keep crying.

Coming from a person who fights on (relatively) Horde dominated pvp servers in classic.

Who’s whining? Again, you’re taking “Feelings” and putting them up against math. Math will win that argument every time! And again, statistics will easily prove that the Horde can’t be losing that much without that many variables being stacked against them.

Also, the current (event version) of the map shows that when the map is balanced, it comes down to two variables:


That’s why the Horde is winning Korrak’s Revenge over and over. We play as a team. We back cap. (Sometimes) we fight on the flags instead of out in the road. We move in groups. We flip bunkers, and flags, and (most of the time) several players stays at that location until it burns to defend it. We also don’t rush to Vann and try and kill him until the towers burn.

Those are the things the Alliance does not do in the event map, and because of that, you lose consistently. You can not Zerg rush the event map! Every single losing game I have been in, the Alliance is doing the exact things I listed above.

The regular version of the map is far different, and the Horde can’t win just on the things above because the map is set up for a zerg rush, and in that version, the Horde can’t win a zerg due to all of the glaring Alliance advantages!

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I’ve played Korrak’s revenge on both sides so I just want to post my observations. When I play as Alliance, we just don’t stick together for whatever reason, even when people are skipping Korrak. When we do stay close we always win though. But there is often a lack of direction and confusion. People are often scattered about randomly throughout the map and it’s our biggest weakness. Horde usually has a “shotcaller” and always stays very close and IMO I also find it easier to navigate through the alliance towers/path than the horde towers/path as alliance. There’s a part where you have to get into a horde encampment through a small tower as alliance. You go in then go straight out. It wasn’t clear to me at first. Maybe there’s another way but because of everyone scattered around it’s not clear where to go.

And then of course we always have people who just insist we just roll over and give up and it just demotivates a lot of people, and the people who are willing to fight end up not having enough numbers because of this. This is what depresses me the most though, the desire to give up when things get a little hard. I know you get more exp if you get a quicker loss and queue up again but I guess I just have a warrior’s heart and I’d rather do my best until the very end.


I have had one win in two days on Alliance and it was this.

Yeah, same. That is one advantage (I guess) that Horde have. The path to the Alliance base does seem a lot more clear. Other hand, that could be due to Alliance being up in the cliffs and Horde being down on flat ground. You can go anywhere on the Horde end of the map but you’re confined to the roads (for the most part) on the Alliance end of the map.

Anyway, I gotta go lose some more.

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