I kinda feel bad for the Alliance. ... Oh, wait! Oh no! My alt is Alliance!

Used the orgastic amount of exp in AV to level my Zandadalri druid (two things that it turns out I didn’t have as much interest in as I thought) from 80-something to 120. And in all those matches I think Horde lost two? (I only really remember one, but I’m sure there had to be one more, surely). In my last, 120-reaching match, as we went all in on their boss, I said I almost feel bad for the Alliance. And if old school versions of AV didn’t favor Alliance I actually would feel bad for them.
But, /sigh, now it’s time to level my much ignored void elf. Turns out void elves are Alliance. Who knew? I want to get her to 110 so I can experience the Alliance side of BfA during the drought. Also, bee mount. So, I guess, today it’s time to start failing my way through AV on her. At least the AV exp is good for failing too.

This grind is gonna feel too much like my life.

Ssssssssssssssssuffer assssssssssss we ssssssuffer


Yeah the losing streak blows Alliance side, but on a positive note I have yet to see a queue time more than 4 minutes on my Alliance guys.


What’s your stance on wrangling rams?


Oh, I hadn’t thought about that. I bet the queues are a lot faster.

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I don’t even play the game anymore. All I do is literally level 30 alts without Heirlooms and by questing.

I grab quests, go AFK reading the forums for like 2 hours, then pop back in to realize I got kicked out of the client. Because I’m a lazy gamer and I don’t like to play like BOOM BOOM BOOM! GET IT DONE YALL!

I’m just like no… I’ll play and take WAY too long to lvl 30 alts than it should take with a group of people helping me in dungeons.

Dungeons are boring to lvl in. I like going at my own pace. It’s fun.

In 2 days I get from lvl 45 to 50 on 3 alts. YAY ME!

I’m literally not joking. I seriously have about 30 lvl 35 to 50s between 2 servers and all i literally do in this game is with an extremely lack of efficiency level this alts up by like 2 to 5 levels each at a time solo.

My wow life is grinding.

Well they aren’t going to wrangle themselves.

On a somewhat serious note, I don’t get the hardcore pvpers jumping on guys doing the pve quests. They are there for a reason and if the match lasts long enough those calvary or commando runs can really help. Same with the giant ice lord or tree fella.

Average time, 2 minutes for me. Sometimes it does take a bit longer, but never really much more. Got my alt from 102-120 in nearly the blink of an eye, and it would have been faster if I hadn’t have actually done other questing when I was tired of doing the same things in AV over and over.

There was even a brief time where Alliance won 3 out of 4. That helped.

Yeah, the queues are super fast. So, that’s great! Losing repeatedly is kinda lame, but it is fun watching the Horde steamroll the place (and yeah, I do try my best on Alliance, but I don’t mind seeing them lose, even if I’m losing too. lol).

Bonus, I’ve now seen the turtle from the other side.

Honestly, it’s not too much slower. Queues are definitely faster.

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Wow! I Defender! /wave

Not a single win all day yesterday lol. Lots of screaming from Alliance that know we could win if we just GOUP UP AND KILL TOWERS or ALL INN ON THE BOOS.

I don’t know if it would change anything, but one thing I’ve noticed is the Alliance never sticks together. On Horde, soon as the gate opens almost everyone steamrolls up the same path. Alliance right from the start split in two and then sort of all get lost on the mid map field. We eventually wind up at Iceblood gy but the path there is rarely the same from match to match. Then sometimes it’s this tower, sometimes it’s that tower, sometimes both at once. Alliance just scatter everywhere.

But, I’m not a AV expert at all. Maybe this is the best approach. Heck, yesterday was the first time I’ve done an AV as Alliance. It just seems like if the Alliance would group up and steamroll too it might work better. OR, since the Horde do the same thing every match almost like clockwork, the Alliance could throw a wrench in the works at some point on their path and throw them off their game.

But, eh, the queues are fast, the exp is good, and the Alliance lose. I guess it’s it a win/win/win. (And, yes, I do play to win when I’m on Alliance, a win would be better than a loss after all, and I don’t make fun of them in the match or anything).



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Fast queue times and lose vs. long queue times and win.

This. So much this.

I don’t play Alliance side, but I have seen what you’ve seen over and over. The Alliance plays in a very non-cohesive, disjointed manner, where small groups of your (Alliance) players are roving around the battle field at random.

It’s ultra rare (maybe 1 game in 20) where an Alliance team rolls into SHB to try and keep us from taking it. Alliance players rarely backcap outside of taking back North and South bunkers from stealthed units. You guys never fight on GY flags, and there is so many, many, instances of your team taking one of our towers, then leaving it undefended, allowing solo players to stroll back up to them and flip them back.

I don’t know if it is common knowledge on the Alliance side or not, but literally, the difference between wins and losses has been Hordies reflipping a single tower back, giving us enough time to finish burning your towers and starting on Vann before you can start on Drek.

So yeah, Backcap, stay and defend towers, fight on GY flags, and move as a team when you think you’re going to retake a captured tower and yeah, it’s a win for the Alliance.

But then again, I’ve enjoyed power leveling my alts through AV, so don’t do any of the stuff I listed above and keep losing till Im done with my last alt please. :slight_smile:


This weekend, on a lower level Alliance alt, I had quite a few wins!

I would say 1/3 to 1/2 were Alliance wins.

ITs not all doom and gloom.

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Huh? My pet and I haven’t even been to AV.

Long as noone turtles the shorter queues makes it pretty even. Learn to loathe the players who turtle though.

Horde does this too in games I win.

Sometimes you get a loooooooooong streak of terrible games, but people always blame their faction and not themselves.

You are delusional or are a bad if you think this is faction specific.

When the quests were repeatable, it was a legitimate gripe. Once you’ve already gotten everything you need from the mines, you shouldn’t be in there.

Having players sit in there for ENTIRE GAMES was a bit much, and was incredibly selfish.

I don’t shame players in the mines anymore, but when the event first came out, they deserved the shame.

I really should be doing that to level this character quickly. :smiley: