I keep seeing "It's easier to climb as Horde"

Nobody cares that you watch rick and morty.

Good job buddy. You’ve got the bottom teams in AWC running it once or twice then not touching it or losing the moment they go up against the meta comps.

And? c9 beat GG? Whats your point? Oh you don’t have one lmfao. C9 ended 6-1 GG went 5-2 gosh maybe theres a reason c9 isn’t running ret and is top in this AWC run.

no idea what that means

idk just thought it was funny you say misinformation then start denouncing the facts.
suddenly we the AWC isn’t as relevant as it was when you brought it up?

c9 is top and losing to ret 2 days ago

wow crazy can u double back again

they lost one game out of 7. lmfao. Like I get it. You really want to justify dying to rets as a BG hero its a you problem.

they lost a bo5. 3 loses against ret. it’s pretty simple maths and you can figure it out using 1 hand, or maybe you lose count when u hold up 2 fingers or more idk

but probably go find out all this information before you randomly post the complete opposite of what you’re now discovering to be true lmfao how embarrassing.

lmfao. I’m sorry you don’t understand implied math for games. Yikers. I guess you’re really upset you got exposed in the other thread. But spoiler yet again you’re wrong. So if you want to say oh they lost 3 times because they lost the set vs the full on acknowledgment that they lost 1 out of 7 sets. (Hur dur thats what 6-1 means) Then that also means they won 18 games without a ret. Boy gosh. Last time I looked 18 is a bigger number than 3. Its almost like 6 is a bigger number than 1.

Math is hard.

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exposed and wrong where/how?

Lets go back to where you thought ret wasn’t used by the best players in the world in AWC (lmao). You still didn’t answer how it would be relevant if you were right.

First rets weren’t in AWC, now they are.
Then we’re talking about games and now we’re talking about multiple bo5 sets.
If you’re lost, I’m referring to W4D1 if you wanna go find it.

Ret beat C9 playing War Enh which are both Stier classes like idk do u like eating ur own words or something?

I mean if you think top the1% are relative to you and the people you tell to ‘shut up about rets because you’re 1200 cr’ Vanguards was R1 on ladder on and off for like a month and currently there’s 3 rets in the top 12 spots on the ladder rn.

basic maths thats 25% of the top 12 when we have 12 classes in the game.

I don’t think it’s at all relevant to the thread or the vomit you’ve spewed so far but I’m just using your logic here to see if you get it or not.

Betting you probably won’t though.

This has nothing to do with BGs/RBGs either. You just randomly brought it up

Your math here isn’t even right. You didn’t divide this by specs. Lmfao the mental gymnastics you’re doing. Hey guess what else was in this awc. Hunters I guess that makes them stier now lol. Just because one or two teams run it and then win one set and get stomped out afterwards doesn’t make a class stier.

Just because you struggle against it doesn’t make it a god tier class. I have a feeling you can’t understand that.

As amusing as your bad takes are. I have no more time to waste on you.

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12 spots of human beings and 3 of those humans are playing ret.

So 25% of the 12 human being spots are playing ret.

It’s really not that difficult but you describing maths as mental gymnastics lol

18 to 3?

Is that a 6:1 ratio?

I like math too.

Good work educating them all.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Do you not watch awc. It’s 7 sets of first to 3 so yes 6 set wins is 18 match wins.

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Go easy you’ll hurt yourself.

And warrior has double the number of players past 2k raiting. Ladder does not support your stance lol.

I’m not using it to push an argument I’m just using your logic.

Again, we were talking about the top 1% and now we’re suddenly talking about 2k thresholds.

You’re incoherence incarnate.

But naw not trying to use the ladder for anything. Lmfao.

You know 2400 isn’t what people mean when they say ladder nor does it even show up on the only 10 pages of the ladder lmfao.

So what’s you’re in-game main? Asking for a friend.

You know what a question is right? You know they’re to figure out what the person was saying lol