I keep dying in the pool

My shaman keeps dying in the pool leading up to Sarkareth, right after you kill Echo.
Here is her armory page so you can see what she is wearing: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/thrall/shilda

  • I don’t have Water Walking on
  • I have tried in Ghost Wolf form(Raptor)
  • I have tried in Natural Form
  • It has happened in the raid and in the scenario
  • I have tried jumping
  • I have tried just walking off
  • It has happened after I died in the Echo fight and if I have lived

My guild sees it happen every week and no one can figure it out. They ask if I hit the sides, they ask if I had water walking, they ask if I was in ghost wolf (it might as well be my natural form, I’m always in ghost raptor form lol).

I had 1 guildmate say last night that I should just try taking off things that give me buffs. Such as earth shield (which I do have on a tank and they aren’t dying.), or Water shield (which is only on me but, I don’t see any other shamans saying that they are dying), or taking off my “Fashionable!” shirt from Transmog week. We never got to heroic Sark last night so I couldn’t try any of those. I will try though and update if any of them work.

I put in a ticket when I died in the scenario because then it was apparent that it is something that I am unaware of and I don’t even know what is causing this unexplained death. It’s happened since day 1, and I have never lived going down that jump. I have to use my ghost wolf leap just to survive.

- -UPDATE- -
I just tried, no one else in the raid with me. Walking off, no jumping, in natural form. I currently have “Winds of Sanctuary” (Holiday Buff), “Tidebringer” (Talent that happens every 16 seconds), “Sign of the Mists” (Holiday Buff), and “Mana Spring” (Talent that doesn’t go away) AND I DID NOT DIE for the first time ever in this raid.
Here were my findings:

  • I put on my shirt, “Fashionable Undershirt” and I walked off again and did not die.
  • I put on Water Shield, did not die.
  • I put on Earth Shield, did not die.
  • I put on Pepe (the little toy bird) and I did not die.
  • I put on all 4, and did not die.
  • I put on Riptide, and did not die.

There were a couple instances where I did die, when I put on the pepe toy at first and a couple of times I put on riptide, but I cannot seem to replicate them perfectly. There is some combination I’m forgetting to test. I did try with all 5 buffs along with Unleashed Life since we can put that on others, but that only killed me once and didn’t do it again.
I do not have food, runes, or potions on either.

I did put on Rank 3 Phial of Elemental Chaos and Buzzing Rune, with my earth shield, water shield, shirt, and riptide and did not die.

I will try again after raid once my rune and flask are gone for complete isolation testing.


I submitted a bug report after dying to this pool in the questline scenario on my BM hunter, but it never happens to me in the actual raid. On normal last night, another hunter fell and died here too. While the hunter issues haven’t happened 100% of the time like yours, it’s very odd, as we didn’t have water walking either. I saw a DK dead in the pool on another normal run tonight, but didn’t note any buffs they had. I’m curious to hear if you have any additional findings, I’ll try to pay more attention now knowing it’s not just me.

Same thing just happened to me! Died from fall damage but landed in the water


Tonight we are going to Sarkareth, I take will off both of my elemental shields and the shirt buff. But this seems like it’s not a shaman specific thing and definitely seems like an invisible variable. My guildmate was looking at everyone’s buffs and said that the only one I had that no one else had was the shirt. Another guildmate asked what my onyx annulet gems do and wanted to see if that was the issue, however, I didn’t have the ring on in the scenario because I was enhancement in the scenario. But it was in my bags? I’ll try all 4 tonight. First with the ring in the bank so that it’s not even on my person. Then if I die, I take off the shirt, if I die again, I will take off the shields. If I die 1 more time? Idk. I give up and always use leap.

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Okay so it’s not just a couple of us, and not even class specific, this seems to be a thing. Was there anything weird that happened right before you died? Anything you did specifically? Or maybe a buff?

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I have not had this happen to me, but I have definetly noticed it happens to my raid leader constantly! Dies randomly when landing in the water to fall damange.

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I haven’t noticed any particular thing just yet since I haven’t had many instances where it happened to me first hand, and the one time it did I thought it was just a fluke and didn’t note anything extra about my character. I don’t think we had on any primordial rings or special shirts. We killed neltharion last night on heroic and then called it for the night, but I jumped down in the pool just to test it and I didn’t die. The rest of the raid logged above the platform so I didn’t get any extra data just yet. Hopefully later this week when we go back I’ll see if it happens to anyone else and will report back. Very curious.

Very curious. I died in the raid every time, I even went to the other side of the pool to jump down and died. I tried it 3 times and gave up. After the raid, I jumped down and didn’t die. It seems very inconsistent and I can’t think of any other variables. Also, Ethian thinks he’s funny. He’s my healing partner in the raid. However, he believes it might be a bad pixel that I’m hitting. Which could very possibly be the problem. Although I never seem to live when everyone else is down stairs and even when no one was around I lived most of the time, I did still die.

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I just did the scenario on my warlock and did NOT die. I was wondering if something pet-related could also be an issue since DK, hunter, shaman all have pets of some type, although a bit of a stretch since they aren’t always out. I made sure to have a pet summoned to see. But, I don’t think that is a factor.

I just jumped down in both normal and heroic and neither time did I die. Maybe it was hotfixed?

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Glad to hear it! I didn’t see anyone die last night in heroic when we ran, but my friend was on her warlock in LFR just now and said she died falling into it haha. I don’t think she noticed anything peculiar about her character, though. :frowning:

If someone seems to keep dying, they could go to Gnomeregan to pick up a parachute and see if that works.

Have the same issue on this toon. Raid and scenario.

Only one in my guild raid this happens to and every week I die. Cat form, human form, first to jump, not first to jump. For what ever reason I always die.

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That’s exactly what was happening to me. Tuesday I did normal and heroic run and finally, for the first time, I didn’t die either time.

I recommend putting in a ticket, I did when I died in the scenario.
These forums are great for the community, but not so great about getting things done quickly.

So I thought I figured this out on an alt ( I get the same thing on my alts ) but for a while I survived the drop in LFR by trying to move and spin my camera while in the air.

But that only worked sometimes if it helped at all. And LFR being LFR, getting a rez from the pool was unlikely so it killed my LFR attempt.

The other weird intermittent thing that’s been happening is most of the time my hearthstone animations wont trigger. I’ll still get the cast bar and hearth, but i’ll just be standing there without the animation.

Suspect it’s a network optimization thing. Ping 30ms home world, no packet loss.

Also it looked like there were 3 or 4 of us continually dying from the drop to the pool.


That’s interesting. I did try the angles, and I’m pretty sure I was always looking down ( I could be wrong though, I was more worried about buffs/debuffs). I do know there was a bug with camera angles and monk’s FoF, so that could be the case here? Maybe I should try the camera angles in our next raid? See if spinning around does it. Like I said though, I didn’t die these last 2 times.

And yea, I also have the animation bug, but it’s for all casts such as hearthstone or resurrection if I use my shaman leap and start to cast. Or if I was sitting and start to cast she will stand up and no animation, just in the idle. They do still go off, and I do also have the cast bar. I thought it was just me, but some of my guildmates actually see me casting. So that might just be an “Us lol” thing.

Try getting a parachute from Gnomeregan next time to see if that works.

I was working more on the theory that if you don’t change direction you don’t send an update to the server.

Like if you keep running straight out of a building the server thinks you’re still in a building and you can’t do outdoor things like switch to flight form. But you strafe right or left as you leave the building you can.

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I’m not sure that will work, I think it takes it off of you as you leave. But if it does then that would be a work around for those without leaps/slow fall.

You mean you lose the parachute on leaving the dungeon? That’s not what I’ve had happen. If you don’t use the parachute, it should stay in your bag.