I just wana pvp mannnn

Lol dragonslayer as called :joy::joy::joy::joy: as said man, you’re completely clueless :+1:


This is ironic… Imagine the gear you get in one area of the game is useless in that SAME area. :thinking: :thinking:

Also, part of that isnt the ilvl which you have been claiming, its the mechanics of the pieces themselves aside from ilvl and secondary stats. This is why trinkets are always a topic, but imagine gloves and other set pieces being involved like Crucible gear. Now also throw in craptastic azerite traits where you need certain traits to be competitive ie: as a rshaman you had to have, absolutely must have 3 of 3 pack spirit and couldnt get that in PvP.

But go on… please tell PvPers how they are wrong about PvP and someone who does challenge modes knows more about PvP… We are listening… :unamused:


Id correct everything you said but looks like others pointed out the stupid for me


I never claimed you were “wrong”, I just pointed out that having to do PVE isn’t new, it’s the same old thing since forever.

I also pointed out that y’all cry and moan a lot.

Everyone does. The difference is that pve players get what they want when they cry.


Which was disabled in pvp

Disabled in pvp

All disabled and you didnt need to do anything for artifact wpn after about the 4th month


ilvl was capped to whatever the conquest hear was. So it didnt matter


Wasnt that big of a deal in wrath cata mop wod or legion.

People argue wrath a lot, but people with ulduar healing mace, smourne, and the pve trinkets through out the seasons in wrath didnt have that huge of an impact on the meta.
The ladder still was mostly fully pvp geared players. Now you look at the ladder and the large portion of them have mostly pve items on


yep in WoD and prior I leveled guys entirely in bg and never did anything but pvp with them except a little bit of dungeons and LFR

basically had almost no questing in my wow life for almost 10 years

now it’s quest or die


So why type


No its a lot different. The most pve required in the past was doing a weekly raid for an op trinket or something like cunning of the cruel, icc trinkets, DS weapons, etc.

You didn’t have to farm dungeons for bis gear.
You didn’t have to have max rep most of the time for essences. Rep was only kinda important in wod and mop for the legendaries(that were disabled in pvp btw)

For the most part getting pvp geared before used to be mostly from pvp, pvp gear used to give you set bonuses, glove bonuses, trinket set bonuses, medallion took a trinket slot for everyone except humans, that made double pve trinkets less prevalent. Then doing 1 raid a week in hopes of getting an op trinket or weapon. And once you got it, that’s it you didn’t have to continue to run the raid to try and get a titanforged or corrupted with a socket.

This expansion is just a big grindfest. You spend a lot of the week(worse if you have alts) doing pve stuff like mythics, raids, rep grinding, islands, dailies, weeklies. Till you can finally do some arenas.


pve gear scaled to lower i lvls fam we had 710 baseline gear in warmongering s3 but in pvp it scaled to 740


It would be a smart business approach to bring back vendors that sell pvp gear and to obtain the gear by collecting some type of currency by doing Arenas.The mass majority of players mutually agree that the way to gain gear is unappealing and shouldn’t have been the way it’s now as long as it already lasted.It may even restore the missing players that legitimately stopped playing due to this issue, although their may be a bitter part of the player-base that disagree with bringing back vendors that sell PvP gear which requires the individual to win or play Arenas to get gear.Nevertheless, it’s fair to say that almost the entirety of the mass prefer to have vendors and PvP gear back that actually is better or more viable than PvE gear for the most part.


yeah, that’s how you know Jank is trolling. No other way around it.
Just report the lame-o and move on

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This is a huge reason why I quit playing. I liked the story, I liked the zones, all great work. But as primary PvPer who dislikes PvE in general, it was PvP gearing and how bare classes felt that made me quit.

They are adding abilities and focusing on classes now, but if they do NOT bring back PvP vendors in some sort of fashion I wont be back, no matter what they do to classes, how many mounts they put in the store, or any other gimmick they try to get players to come back.


God some people are literally spewing crap information in these forums.

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Want to elaborate? Or are you just not going to bring anything relevant to the discussion?

I am not saying Guild Wars 2 is a good game by any means but I actually think what they did with PVP would work well in WoW. I don’t think its any secret that most people who pvp hate the daily grind and useless pve aspects of the game. Why doesn’t blizzard just separate instanced pvp completely from pve. You wouldnt need to farm gear and the “rewards” other than titles would be cosmetic gear items/pets.

It would take randomness out of crappy RNG gear stats, we wouldnt need to do a million mythic+ for random gear which seems to always be better than actual pvp gear and people could go back to doing the 1 thing they like about the game which is just pvp all on a fair playing field.

If you like both aspects of the game (PVE and PVP that is awesome, but I personally lost interest in the story of the game years ago and only really come back for pvp and seeing someone in full mythic gear slapping you harder in 1 hit than all your “swifty macros” combined is not good for casual or competitive pvp’ers alike.

Just my 2 cents but people will probably hate because I mentioned another MMO that isn’t WoW as a comparison.

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I don’t think they ever will completely separate the two sides. Personally I’ve always been a pvper, but even in older xpacs the simplicity in gearing left me time to be able to dabble in pve as well. Their whole goal is that they want players to experience the whole game and not strictly log in and only queue arena. Frankly, I’m fine with that idea.

The main problem is the implementation. They wanted pve’ers to not have a disadvantage in pvp and make it more accessible, so they got rid of things like resilience/pvp power. That however, in combination of the new rng pvp gearing system, led to pve gear being better and easier to get than pvp gear for pvp. Now the pvp side is forced to hop on the daily pve treadmill in order to keep up with the masses. Pve systems like azerite, essences, and the legendary cloak only compound on that problem.

Instead, I think there needs to be an overhaul. No more flashy fluff systems like essences. Focus needs to be put back on the class, the spec, and the active abilities. If I’m on my rogue I want my damage to come from the abilities I press - not rng procs, azerite traits, essences, and raid trinkets.

Bring back honor vendors to bring back a reason to actually do bg’s and grind a basic honor set. And bring back conquest vendors - conquest gained from rbgs/arenas alone. Equivalent to mythic raid gear. Bring back resilience. Get rid of trinket honor talents and make medallion an item again, along with trinket set bonus, to alleviate pve trinkets infecting pvp. Bring back rating requirements on weapons. More effort into elite sets.

This would make the game so much better imo. It would allow pvpers to gear through pvp. Resilience would make the gear viable to use in pve, but not optimal. It would lessen the daily grind on players that never wanted it. It would be alt friendly, which generally actually increases played time. Pls blizz I love this game just it needs help.

But essences are flashy abilities…

Instead of 3 available 120 talents, with 1 being bis, 1 being situational and 1 being un-usable we get access to a dozen.

For some people. For others alt friendliness is code for there is nothing to do on a main worth the time.

That promoted honor buddy. Even then entry level conquest gear does that. It rewards normal level gear.

PvP gearing needs to be faster and there needs to be more options. It doesn’t need to be hard separated.

But a lot of people posting here are correct. Blizzard wants everyone to play more of the game, like wrath. The issue is that even though people pretend they liked wrath, they really want content to be sandboxed like MoP/ Wod.

While those xpacs were great for some people, the reality is that 4-6 million mmo players quit MoP/ WoD.