I just wana pvp mannnn

You act like this is hard. Also this game has been all about the max lvl content for like ever.


You all level your toons? I just /afk in Old AV.

Agreed, this new iteration of wow is utter garbage for pvpers, it’s a shame that the devs at blizz don’t care.


Aint that gone now?

You’re an idiot.


Nick cannon

Classic fried Jank’s brain. Pour one out for the homie

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Imagine playing an mmorpg and expecting it to be a lobby pvp game

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That is the thing! ARENA IS AN E-SPORT! IT’S NOT A MMO! On first bfa season the lobby was FULL and take a look at it now… There is almost no one playing arenas…


Perhaps they should make you an e-sport realm/server then where you can sit in lobbies, select whatever gear you would like and que your matches until your hearts content.

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This would be amazing and something we have been asking for awhile.


maybe you should build your MMO empire and create a better business model than blizzard

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So you skipped the legendary cloak and the expansion length epic quest chain that you had to do in MoP that also gave you BIS helm meta gem and some other crap.

You skipped the legendary ring and another expansion length quest chain in WoD and then the Archimonde kill to upgrade your ring each week.

And you skipped all the PVE content, including raid quest and broken shore and opening Argus etc in Legion to upgrade your artifact weapon and potentially m+ and whatever for relics etc.

That’s cool. Why don’t you just skip this then? You’ll be similarly disadvantaged but it’s the same thing as the last 3.

Assuming you didn’t skip the last 3, what’s the difference now? It’s a just a big quest chain that you one and done. With 30min of weekly upkeep to kill Thrall and upgrade your cloak. Hard game.

Never got the cloak and did just fine.

Now I know you’re straight up trolling and have no idea what you’re talking about. The ring didn’t do jack in PvP :roll_eyes:

Compare that to trinkets that got nerfed by 70% after the season is over. They’re so busted that they needed a 70% nerf!!! Lol dude…

You truly have no idea. Have you ever pvpd because it sure doesn’t seem like it.


The ring was 50 ilevels higher than any other ring, but I guess stamina and secondaries aren’t important in PVP. That’s why PVPers don’t care about gear. Amirite?

If you don’t want to do this patches PVE quest, just don’t. It’s a high ilvl cloak. Who cares. If you do t want to fly around and kill 10 quest mobs and a rare and get a few RNG corrupted drops while you queue for arena, just don’t. Stand and look at the wall. Jerk off.

You act like skipping PVE in BFA is such a huge detriment when it’s ballpark the same as every other expansion.

I PVP on a hpal with a level 1 crucible essence and about 5 m+ dungeons completed in the last year. Ilvl 430 or something last season and that’s scrub rival chest rewards.

My warrior is ilvl 440, and I actually do high keys on that toon. 10 whole ilevels, I know right!

You guys are just as bad as the GD girls crying about unlocking allied races. Boo hoo. Plays a game they don’t like playing, circle jerk cries about it with all their miserable friends.

Y’all need Jesus.

PvE gear scaled to lower ilvls in WoD, with PvP gear scaling up. It definitely wasn’t 50 ilvls over any PvP gear.


Your total ilevel was still taken into account meaning high ilevel gear > low ilevel gear, otherwise you’d all’ve been running around in quest greens, or honor gear instead of conquest gear, init.

Are you thinking of templates? Those didn’t exist in WoD. The physical gear itself scaled, not based on anything else.


I use to just wear PvP gear that I bought from PvP vendors. I don’t think it’s bad to be able to use PvE gear in PvP, but I want to be able to just spend honor or whatever to buy gear with something I get from doing PvP.

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Tbh I can’t remember. I did challenge modes in WoD. I guess gear scaling was a thing in a few areas of the game.

So maybe y’all got away with a PvP lobby in WoD.

It’s a pretty unenjoyable mechanic to make gear from one area of the game useless in other areas, which I guess is why they’ve been flopping about all these years with resilience, PVP power, gear scaling and other BS.