I just tried FF14

I tried FF14 with a very open mind, played some hours… and… the game looks very old…looks like a generic korean mmo for me… if i played this game without the name, i would never though the game its about final fantasy.

PvP is very poor, why FF14 is a “thing” compared to wow? im being honest, i really don’t know, if i leave WoW i got at least 5 games that i could play before FF14.


The devs over there actuslly care and engage with their community. They also don’t add time played metric gimmick systems that force you to log in every single day. They also try to keep it an MMO and not a phone game, which is the direction this game is heading.

That’s the main reasons. Nobody likes the pvp there. The raids are alright. It wins in the character customization department though.


I understand your point, but for me 80%+ of a game are about gameplay.
I can understand why some people could play SWTOR instead of WoW, the game play is good, questing is phenomenal, graphics are good, balance is ok.
I can understand why some people could play ESO instead of WoW.
I can understand why some people can even play Tibia instead of WoW.

I really cannot understand what makes FF14 a good game, in my honest opinion this game is not good in any point. This hype is just ilogical for me.
The graphics are not better.
The gameplay DEFINITELY its not better.

I think this FF14 thing its about a protest against WoW and not the game itself.

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That’s because WoW, with it’s cartoon graphics, has aged very well.

Those games that go for realistic tend to age a lot faster as we are use to ultra sleek 4k games these days.

Going back to play DMC1 on ps2 the other day made my eyes bleed for a minute.

Because the game devs made a game for a targeted audience.
When you go for “everyone” all you get is sandbox with a bunch of mismatched toys.

The pve is 100% better.
I had way more fun with their pve rotations, I 100% prefer their monk to WoW monk right now.
Felt more fun and flowed a lot better


I agree nerf FF

Definitely not.
Its decent, but its not better by a relevant margin.

Forgot to mention their devs actually listen to their playerbase.

I much prefer ff14 and the community I seen, if it wasnt for the pvp being bad I would play it more.

But I’m just here sitting waiting for ashes


I played a very aged game with poor pvp and regular pve… looks like a random korean mmo for me.
I’m interessed about this “dev actually listen” thing… whats that mean? How does it change the poor combat and graphics?

If you play wow exclusively for PvP, FF14 won’t be a game for you

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Lol @ people arguing about opinions.

I agree with your point that trying to be “all things to all people” leaves you as “kinda sucks for everyone.”

But if you think WoW is in anyway sandboxy I question your understanding of “sandbox.” With respect.

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The literal definition of a physical sandbox with random toys in that aren’t thematically connected.

Replace sandbox with wow
The different toys the crappy modes (pvp, raiding, pet battles, etc, etc) aren’t thought through very well and all the major modes clash with each other for some stupid reason.

Do I look like someone with respect [my mog], Id give you a like but can’t

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Ah, gotcha. Different interpetation of “sandbox.”

  1. Devs listen as much as WoW Devs: They don’t or if they do it’s mostly due to Damage control.
  2. That’s not really a healthy system and behaves like most mobile phone games to entice you to stay.
  3. From what i’ve seen it’s more like an Asian SecondLife than an MMO
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One thing WoW could do better with that FF14 does a helluva lot better is customer support. Put in a ticket for an actual concern and you get a live person about 9/10 talking to you within the hour.

Last ticket I put in on WoW was back in BFA and after 7 days of no response I lost all hope. Issue was about heavy whisper harrassment by the way, on WoW.


I think it’s a combination of reasons:

  • You have those who are a part of this current exodus wave as a means of showing their displeasure for WoW. It may have started out as a protest like you mentioned, but there’s that possibility with those who never touched an MMO before WoW and tried FFXIV may actually like it.

  • You have those that genuinely enjoy FFXIV before and in the midst of the exodus for features WoW doesn’t have, or if it does have FFXIV does it better.

Different strokes for different folks, that’s all it is really. Features that WoW is best known for, may be something that others no longer enjoy or never have enjoyed to begin with and it may not be PvE-related, so they avoid WoW altogether. Although I personally enjoy both WoW (at one point) and FFXIV, I play different MMOs for a variety of reasons:

  • I actually prefer action-combat over tab-target, so both WoW and FFXIV would be at the bottom for me. I feel the action-combat system gives me more freedom to chain my own rotations rather than be fixed to one. With this freedom, I actually feel the class immersion a lot better. I have fun not having to be fixed to a target first.

  • I enjoyed end-game raiding when I was active in WoW. However, due to changing interests and time, I’m no longer vested in it and prefer MMOs with more side-content to enjoy along the way, rather than get “shoveled” to end-game. There are MMOs with such content that I actually stopped leveling to enjoy it. This is the real way to keep people playing in addition to end-game.

  • Story is important for me. Not just how it’s written, but the presentation as well. I like FFXIV for the cutscenes. I like GW2 for your char’s solo story. I like SWTOR for its character choices (I chose an option where my char went to bed with an NPC just to avoid paying them gold… :flushed:) I’ve been wondering whether the choices I make have long-term effects…

  • I’m an RPer, so MMOs with systems for that demographic will stand out to me more (e.g., housing, relationship, etc).

  • Graphics isn’t a strong reason for my choice, but an MMO with layered armor (where armor meshes are placed over/separate from another mesh like the character model) provides more variety of transmogs - hence why WoW doesn’t have skirts. WoW has the best mogging system but everything that isn’t WoW has the most stylish mogs. Heck, the lack of new or in-depth customization was enough to get some players to leave.

  • I play some MMOs where obtaining rare items isn’t just tied to RNG drops, having thousands of gold, or having to grind for weeks; some are provided just from playing the game and turning in quests.

  • I barely PvP, so where a game is good for it or not has no effect on my choice.

Reasons like these are why I won’t ever say one MMO is “better” than another - only different since everyone may have their own reasons for playing.


We use to have this, but then we started seeing massive layoffs in the community support section of WoW.

Basically they are like “if they can’t reach us nothing is wrong then”


FFXIV was released in 2010 to really, really bad reception. The dev team at the time was so completely out-of-touch. It was fractured to different cells that worked on their own things that they believed were going to be the best things ever, but when it all came together the game was little more than just a mish-mash of really bad ideas. It got so bad that the President of Square-Enix publicly apologized for the state the game was in (a rarity for any Japanese developer) and the company promised to make the game better.

In comes Naoki Yoshida, a project lead who had never played Final Fantasy before and worked previously on the Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior series. Rather than just directing his staff to just make improvements, he brought to the team a massive, comprehensive spreadsheet of what needed to be fixed, what needed to be changed, and eventually all things culminated in the developers deciding to “remake” the game in very much the same way WoW did with Cataclysm.

They ended FFXIV 1.0 with a cinematic and worked on the game for another year before releasing A Realm Reborn. This new version was made with the same DNA of other more established MMO’s–chief among them being WoW, as Yoshida-san directed his team to play it for inspiration so they could get a better understanding of how to develop an MMO. A Realm Reborn was received positively and the team has been working since then on bringing more updates to the game.

This factual idea of the devs “listening to the players” is mainly because a lot of the criticism leveled towards FFXIV was responded to with major changes done to the game. They’ve embraced their community to the fullest extent and because of this, their community loves them.

So listen, you played the game and you didn’t like it. That’s fine. It’s just not the game for you. Just because other people are jumping on the bandwagon doesn’t mean that you have to. FFXIV offers a different take with the same gameplay ideas as the same games you’ve been playing. Its primary focus is on the story. If you’re not playing it for the story, then really there’s no reason to play it.

There is just a whole lot of other things in the game that people are interested in doing that doesn’t involve end-game PvE and Square-Enix caters to that.


This is the cynical way of looking at it. “Devs are listening only because they don’t want to lose players.”

Yes, that’s precisely the point. Developers listen to their player base to get a better understanding of what they want included while having their own vision of how to progress the development of their game. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The difference here is that while Square-Enix may very well be rigid with what they can include in FFXIV, there’s a lot of other non-critical additions made to the game that players constantly ask for.


What, the mobile system of enticing you to continue playing and wasting your time for meaningless rewards or encouraging you to take a break from the game when you run out of things you want to do?

That’s what you see, but that’s only looking at it at a surface level. Final Fantasy is way deeper than that.

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The one thing a MMO needs is an emphasis on it’s world.
WoW use to have that, now it’s literal more than a lobby for us to que into our different “game maps and modes”

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