I joined WoW late in the middle of an expansion I couldn’t understand the story so I would skip quest text and just enjoyed gameplay, mechanics and rotations.
Going into ff14 with all the reading that’s required to actually enjoy the game is not my kind of game coming from skipping quest text like i do in WoW.
Used to be you didn’t really need context until Blizzard started pushing this super-important over-arching story on us that we were obligated to follow. WoW doesn’t require you to know the story. You’re literally the personification of, “I don’t know who I am, I don’t know why I am here–all I know is I must kill.” But the problem is that you either need to read up on the story or you simply won’t know why you’re doing what you’re doing. To some, that’s fine.
To me, it isn’t.
FFXIV is a much more slow-paced, grounded story-based experience that does a lot of world-building and I appreciate it so much. It allows me to develop connections with characters as I go through the main storyline. It’s more coherent, it’s more consistent, and it’s presented as the main draw of the game rather than just something you can skip through.
Another Monk fan! I legit quit Monk in WoW after the absolute massacre that was WoD and what they did to Monk. The FF monk is so much more fun to play for me. You’re paying attention to flanking versus rear, you’re weaving your abilities around each other, you’re keeping your Dot up, you’re keeping your buff up, you’re being flexible, and you’re the LB person in small groups. What’s really cool is that because of how much you have to move you’re often easily dodging on the stuff on the ground because you were already moving to reposition anyways. It feels so good to play FF MNK and I don’t have any of the abilities off the GCD.
What FF XIV does for me (and only speaking for me because mileage varies) is makes want to log in everyday and play. WoW makes me have to log in and play content I find tedious. WoW has been this way for me since Cata.
Can’t speak for the PVP. I didn’t really do it here and I won’t do much (if anything) in FF. I agree about character customization. The issue I have with that though is the logic side of me says why have multiple characters when you can take one character and do everything. Alts seem a bit redundant. But if you approach the game with a different mindset that you don’t care if it is the most efficient way to go as long as it’s whats most fun then it’s good.
FF looks fine to me, it’s more dated than it was but that’s how it is with a lot of games of that type. WoW gets a pass because it’s cartoony but let’s not pretend WoW is some grafix powerhouse.
The community and Devs are better over at FF, the story is better if you like that kinda stuff. Really FF appeals to people who like what it offers, not everyone will like it. Frankly I hate retail with a passion but can see why people like it.
I mean I understand that, but for me their monk felt more fun than WoW monk.
Felt more like MoP monk with what I had to manage to do good dmg, I hadn’t liked pve in wow for a while because of the simplistic nature rotations have become