I just threw 3 matches of a shuffle and I don't care

Bro I support ur decision. In the end you didn’t hurt anyone, all other dps got 4-2 and the healers got 3-3, they get instant queue anyway.

EDIT: I’m glad the Feral didn’t go 6/0

mobile is mobile

280k DPS BM Hunters

20 KG cat back arch deadlifts


was about to say, shameful for any of those dps to not go 4-2

Have you tried not blowing your icebound to the first stun?


IBF first go especially in shuffle seems…not unreasonable? :dracthyr_a1:


People who leave or stop trying in shuffle get no respect from me, those people are just losers who can’t take a loss like a man. Have you ever had a 4-2? A 5-1? A 6-0? Well guess what, someone had to lose most, if not all of those rounds you won. They didn’t throw in the towel and give up, neither should you. Don’t be a sore loser, get good, get the rating you seek, nothing more to it.


Whenever I think my spec is trash, I just remember the leaderboards that show hundreds of players (of my spec) higher rated than me making it work, and that humbles me into realizing I’m the problem…it’s me.


If only they banned players like OP that openly admit to throwing games in a rated bracket.

Would be pretty cool, but gotta get those really evil people that tell others they are bad


Yeah my trash talking in blitz (same as you I have chat turned off in shuf, literally never read anything constructive especially when we have pings) has devolved into spamming “bad bad bad bad bad” over and over again then hit em with the “gg’s” and I still got silenced until it turned into a ban. People are very sensitive

Raises hand lol I didn’t even read this before I posted the above, it’s wild
I’ve been caught in the act!


I feel like people dont realize that in a PVP game, due to the nature of someone winning and someone losing, losing is going to be 50% of the experience.

Realistically speaking, you will lose more often than you win if you’re actually improving and not just creating a billion alts to farm the same brackets you’ve already beaten.

I had a baby like this OP in one of my matches just yesterday. Fury warrior doing 280k DPS, goes 0-6 and gives up on the last match, giving me yet another 3-3. Not even a bad lobby for the guy either, there was a warlock he could PVE on but he didn’t cause



Someone’s riding the high horse of I’m better than everyone else aren’t they. Not surprised though. Must of been easy playing a class and spec that doesn’t die.

Edit: Or must be rather. FotM got you places. (Explains why you couldn’t cut it as a pres-evoker)

I just queued blood pres fury with kennie and we farmed every single team that was queueing. Blood dk is beyond broken!

This was the best advice I ever got from gaming.

I remember being the typical forum freddy whining about balance when I played sc2 about XYZ race/build being OP and then my friend, Shard sat me down and said:

"Joe. I think you’re being an idiot and you deserve to lose every game you lose. Doesn’t matter if you lose by an inch or a mile, whether you’re outplayed or you throw. At the end of the day, your units do the same things as everybody elses, and Stats is winning versus everyone you’ve ever fought.

Everyone who plays your race and is higher than you has the exact same tools as you do, but they’re just playing better. And that’s okay, but you gotta recognize your mistakes to learn from them".

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Really? I feel like pres would be more of a liability than anything since you gotta stack so much with your team. Or does it just not matter?

it doesnt feel too hard to weave in and out of range when u need to avoid cc. Dk teammate ams/disruption and warrior tremor totem helps alot

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DK dragon feels nice. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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Tell me you were a prepatch reroller dk without telling me you were a prepatch reroller dk

'people cant handle ‘09 trash talking’

proceeds to be unable to handle losing.