I gave the first 3 matches a legitimate try. The comp:
-x2 Holy Priest
-BM Hunter
Spent most of my time stun locked so I tried to counter with Reanimation. While it helped barely, suffice to say it did nothing.
My diseases pad the meter but no ones health bars move.
I tried swapping to San’layn and it did help to an extent my damage mitigation in the long run I just ended up dying to MS and Feral bleeds along side their huge chunks.
I just ended up slow walking into the middle of arena on my giant hippo mount sipping my drink without a sweat.
This is just the short story version. I didn’t say anything in chat. I usually play SS with chat off simply because its 2024 and people can’t handle '09 trash talking.
I am glad they continue to improve other classes but leave UHDK and even brethren FDK up on the cross to suffocate and die.
I hope the BDK makes peoples life hell until they get nerfed. I won’t play it because I’m not a fan of it but watching the “meta” classes get one shot by death strike is hilarious.
Btw I didn’t lose any rating. So in the end I benefited. I re-affirmed my suspicions that DK Dps specs are garbage and it cost nothing.
Bragging about a skill issue?
That’s a new one for me boss.
I can switch to a different character and say the same thing if that makes it come across any stronger.
Does the forums let that happen? Thought posts were account based so you couldn’t piggy back post.
Nope, you can just switch characters at will.
Well dang. I’m surprised people don’t do that more often to blow up their own post.
Except when you can’t because the website hate you for some reason >:(
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Swapping toons for the forums works better on mobile I’ve learned.
Time to reroll BDK!
In all seriousness, DK is p bad, but I’d avoid throwing on purpose because that’s reportable and can get you banned.
Realistically, even though its insanely frustrating, if you try to win and focus on learning, you’ll skyrocket when your class is better.
A very sad shaman does this quite often. One might say he has many Buhdees.
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go play a single player game, you dont have the mental strength to do group content while you’re ruining other people’s matches
lift some weights. weak mind, weak body.
Except to the other people in the arena who got stuck with you. Leaving would have been better. I’ve been a DK player since wrath, for a long time my split main alongside rogue. I stopped that in DF because I got sick of the class getting destroyed in the first balance patch of nearly every expac since Cata.
Roll something else, go back to DK if they buff it. Or vote with your wallet and unsub. Don’t punish others b/c the devs are garbage though.
happens all the time around here. you must be new
There was a thread about lifting a couple years ago and it turns out everyone on the WoW forums benches over 300.
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might be the single worst DK lobby I’ve ever heard of except for maybe fury instead of arms (but idk because arms hard counters hpriest), absolutely no way a holy priest can heal something that gets eaten by physical damage like DK does through those 3