I never thought of it that way. Especially when you look at the “competition” between Mekkatorque and his suit vs. Gallywix and the G.M.O.D. How cool would it be if the “short” races could be a tinker (goblins, gnomes, and whatever next allied races come out), and the tinker class actually pilots mech suits? Could easily make that into tank/melee/ranged specs. Even a healer could work. Could make them hop into the mech suits when they enter combat.
I get it’s fake and lots already has been revealed but I wouldn’t mind an old world revamp and seeing where the whole sword in silithus goes… old world zones being updated and utilized. I like getting new zones but I’ve always thought using the vanilla zones again with some big looming baddie present would feel nice.
Nothing wrong with you being skeptic, as all leaks should be treated with a grain of salt. But I’m just saying (IMO) I think it isn’t quite far off from what blizz has been doing. Besides a couple of bs parts from the leak, it’s not as head scratching as most.
Sure, she could have made the charges more detailed and used a lot of time on exposition, but we as the player already know this stuff. I experienced him committing acts of treason as I played the game. I already understand her motivations behind her actions. I don’t need to have them spelled out for me again.
Well, that’s what they get for not reading quest dialogue and/or not paying attention to what’s going on while playing. You had no problem pointing out what Baine did.
Well It’s either that or they’re completely ignoring it all, which is equally obnoxious. Like the people who complained Sylvanas burnt down Teldrassil (which you can still access in game as old Teldrassil so it doesn’t even matter anyway) and say it was uncalled for.
Like, you’re not going to win a war by trying to guilt trip your enemy every time they attack you.
Just read the leak and I would almost believe it. But Sylvanas being the final boss shows she’s been Garrosh 2.0 all along. That’s really bad writing to her character and just doing a repeat of Siege of Orgrimmar except Nathanos being killed off. We all know he would die at some point. I like to think BFA is Blizzards version of Captain America: Civil War and think of Sylvanas as Steve Rogers. We fight her at the end but she eventually overwhelms us and she walks away and goes into hiding like Capt. America did. Then in the next expansion she returns to fight Old Gods. That’s my opinion. “IF” this leak is true then plz hurry up with 8.3 bcuz I honestly have not done anything since 8.2 launched.
A fake leak is obvious, when nearly everything in it has just been an idea a player(s) had on the forums.
The more of those ideas the “leak” has, the more obviously fake it is.
Claims that he’s working on a faction merge prototype at the moment and testing how warmode could still leave PvP intact. (Player Forum Idea, Merging Factions)
On the faction merge they’re TALKING about letting people interact with the other faction as long as warmode is off. Orcs in SW and Night Elves in Horde guilds and so on. (Player Forum Idea, both being in the same guild and able to use any city)
The next allied races are Vulpera and Mechagnome and the ones after that are Lightbound Undead for the Alliance and some sort of Boar creature that uses the Worgen rig for the Horde (Player Forum Idea (Vulpera and Mechagnomes, with Lightbound Undead being a RECENT April Fool’s.)
New class is Tinker with prestige classes along with it. Prestige classes being “class skins” you would have to unlock with Necromacer, Dragonsworn, and Dark Shaman in-progress at the moment.(Player Forum ideas.)
Knowing Blizzard, they glean maybe ONE thing from what people say on the forums. An example of this would be the long requested “mount equipment”, so everyone wasn’t feeling they had to ride around on water striders. But 50 things suggested on the forums? No.
The mistake the “writer”, of the ruse, made reaching too far.
Also, silence from Blizzard means nothing. In the past, they said they don’t comment on things because then all players would have to do is come up with tons of “fishing” ideas, for Blizzard to confirm or deny, for them to then figure out what was coming or not.
Yeah, it really feels half baked once you start analyzing all the parts.
Conquest Points being referenced as an end game currency. Except they already exist. They’re a PvP currency.
So someone was doing the equivalent of throwing out enough ideas and going “hey, at least one of them will stick and I can say I was correct about the leak!”
This leak actually looks totally believable. Reducing level cap to 50 with a bunch of RNG essences to 60? Sounds 100% like this dev team. This is going to upset sooo many people. I understand them wanting to revitalize the game, but I don’t have any confidence in this dev group’s abilities to pull this off without it just being a slow, time-gated, RNG-gated slogfest.
Then you’re not following the current storyline very well. Sylvanas is going to attack Mulgore because that’s where Baine is, and the Alliance is going to protect Mulgore. Apparently that’s when N’Zoth enters to stop the battle - which is basically a ripoff of Armageddon (from the Bible, not the movie). Look it up.