I just need to vent

Like i want nothing more than to log onto the game and have fun. I wake up looking forward to running some keys, and i just end up really discouraged after a very short time. The bad part is, at least in this specific case, its completely preventable. I decided I would run an actual key today. By actual key, i mean something other than just a vault 18-20 key. So first i try to just get my own key up. I have a 20 throne. Very easy key. But because of the affixes, I have to sit in queue for a thousand years trying to get extra dispels due to there being a very good amount of magic debuffs in this dungeon, especially the third boss. I sit there looking at probably 10-20 applicants over the course of the attempt, literally no dispels but one underqualified ret that probably doesnt even know how to dispel anyway.

so eventually i decide to just queue into someone else’s key. So i get into a 24 wcm. The comp is just fine for the week. Theres a prot paly and a fire mage to help with dispels. We dont even make it through the first boss before the affix has gone off twice. and just an fyi, i get one every single time. There is absolutely NO reason why the mage or paly cant just click the thing. it takes literally one half second. the paladin had zero dispels. So one of two conditions are present: either he does not understand the affix/isnt set up for it (weakaura+mouseover macro is all you need to be a pro) or he is deliberately just not engaging. either case is completely unsatisfactory in anything above perhaps an 11, much less a 24.

so i leave the key. easy. zero regrets. then i get some whispers from the guys i left that dont understand why i left… even after i explain, they still dont understand. probably roughly 3 minutes into this dungeon, they let this thing go off twice. one during a challenging boss fight.

but this problem is not just a player problem. this is a blizzard problem as well. if you create a requirement that this many people either refuse to do, or do not understand, then you have failed. which is fine, creating this stuff is difficult to do. but leaving it for this long untouched?

the saddest part about this is with competent players, this is perhaps one of the easiest affixes we have ever had.


It’s perfectly fine to be frustrated when things don’t go well.

Murozond’s Rise is forever a cursed key for me, each time I try it, something goes HORRIBLY wrong and it’s beyond my control. People waste their interrupts on bolts while I’m getting Volleys and then no one interrupts the sand channel. Someone stands in front of Tyr and just dies. Someone follows the flying dragon instead of getting orbs anywhere else and the group gets wiped. People break roots on the adds on Morchie and things go sideways. Someone stands in when Millennium Aid goes off and gets one-shot. Shockwave on Battlefield is baited through mid and the boss starts blasting people or an archer gets off too many Serrated casts. Not even going to start on people dying to swirlies on Deios…

Then again, saw people getting eaten by Rezan in a 25, never seen a key bricked so fast by “competent” players.

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man, thank you. just this one thing goes a long way with me.

this made me laugh because its so true. there is exactly one difficult aspect for anyone other than the tank during that fight, and thats keeping everyone topped off during the sparks going out and the soak coming in. but for some reason, people cannot do very simple things.

if i saw someone get eaten by rezan in a 25, i might have to uninstall for a little bit.


I would honestly try running other content for a while. Try and get into rated PvP. Do some trivial heroics. Just help out randoms. You will either hate it so much that you will find a new lease of life for Mythics or you will realise that Mythics aren’t all that. It’s a win-win, IMO.

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Last time I did Rise. Key holder was a ret pally. He said, “Respect the mechanics, this key was a 26.” It was currently a 24.

Everything goes smooth on trash, we get to Tyr. He pushes the Legendary active and gets targeted by and one-shot by the giant cone while in the animation lock and that of course causes a cascading series of failures until the group disbands.

Even when running with people with 100+ timed keys, obscenely high ratings and the works, there will come a time when they just flub up and there goes everything. Throne was another one of the cursed ones, either by being <10 seconds off (after a bad call for a skip caused a wipe), having the tank die at <2% ink of ozumat health and then wiping, etc… But eventually, things will align and things will work. It just takes a lot of bad runs every now and then to get to the good ones.

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Blizzard needs to kill any existing or any thought of future affixes that are not easily handled by every class and spec in the game. Period.


or just stop it with the affixes. i want to play the dungeon, not rotating bs every week. i understand that some people find that boring, but i dont understand how or why they find that boring. i still think rotating buffs would be interesting. it would still i guess encourage certain classes over others for certain weeks, but i dont think it would be to the degree that it does so now.

this would be very funny in hindsight, but not funny at all in the moment


There is absolutely no need to explain. Your sanity and game time is more valuable than some rando who doesn’t know how to socialize properly.

And OP, I would say running keys in the 20s is an achievement of itself. I would recommend joining a guild to ease the tension.


Yeah. I had a good chuckle when he explained the cause of his death being the Legendary.

Was kind of strange that animation lock seems very unfamiliar to WoW players while those who may have dabbled into FFXIV know very well that a poorly timed ability that prevents you from moving is often a death sentence. Shame about the key though, there’s always more regardless.

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Sorry about that run.

More and more once I get my seasonal achievements I decide I will run with just friends and guildies. PuGs as you can expect are a mixed bag.

Sometimes I am the problem- I had one bad day at work and when I had come home that day I had failed 2 keys in a row due to pure negligence on my part (Blood DK tank). My friends are always available and I genuinely asked them if I was good or not. Turns out all I needed was a good night sleep and I was back to normal.

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Only had to read that far to like the comment…

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Do mouseover macros actually work for the affix? I’m getting mixed answers for this.

Here’s my vent, blue protodrake in not the game. That’s all.


There is no problem here, other than that blizzard still refuses to cap M+ at +20.
Afflicted is an amazing affix, and I hope it never goes away.

also can I have your gold


I tried one once and it didn’t. But it could also be my macro.

They’re absolutely right and you’re perfectly justified to want to keep your sanity.

One thing you could try is WoW Made Easy. It’s a Discord to get people together into more positive types of groups from what I can tell. I haven’t tried it out, because I’ve got my guild to run stuff with. But I’ve heard good things from others about it.

Sounds like what you need is a community, guild or Discord to get more static groups you know you can trust. It’s a whole different world when you run with people you know.

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I’m not sure if the in-game version works, but I can 100pct confirm that using clique does. I don’t have to target them first or anything. My understanding is that the only reason I even have to use clique is because I’m using a mouse button for the macro.

I thought I was the only one that felt this way. The competition involves with keys should be similar to mdi. Mdi keys are not high at all. The strategy or competition of it isn’t how high you can push, but how fast you can do a key. It would also funnel the playerbase into the same place, rather than the nonsense we have now.
And no, I have way too much gold to give to anyone if I ever quit this game.

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paladin might not be specced into dispells. it’s not optimal and sometimes players forget to swap talents before key begins.

i keep talented cleanse because of habit, and because of random trash dots.

cleanse has been my hotkey “1” since i keybound and stopped clicking back in 2008.

That’s very interesting considering clique doesn’t touch nameplates

This. Since a lot of these spells no longer come standard, people probably don’t remember or don’t consider picking them up.

:frowning: I’m stuck in 18-20 in the PUGs. Definitely a skill issue with my tanking though (blood DK). M+ was much easier with my friends back in BfA and SL. This is probably the real source of frustration.

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