I Just Made War Within Exciting! (Satire)

I mean, sure. But that goes for every allied race with the exception of Vulperans, but even so they are built from the goblin skeleton. And Dragonflight just gave us Dracthyrs so… even going by old WoW logic, we weren’t really due to have any big particular race so this is just a cool additional thing. So I guess what you are saying explains what the “outrage” is about … even if I don’t particularly buy why the outrage exists in the first place.

No one asked for Worgens back in the day. No one asked for Void Elves or Lightforged Draenei. No one asked for Vulperans (prior to us knowing about Vulperans but we also know they were clearly added with the intention of being added as a race).

Point is that folks have been asking for things that makes no sense, and no one has been particularly unique about what they were expecting. So when Blizzard ever added any race and built on it, most races turned out cooler than what we thought they were going to be. The idea of going “but we want fewer options in the future because I didn’t get Washing Sink Elves having asked for it for years!” is a very silly stance to take. As demonstrated by you here:

Neither one of these are monkey pawed, nor are you even remotely describing neither Void Elves or Dracthyr. Quit with the hyperbolic stance and you’ll live a happier life being able to enjoy cool things just because they are cool.

In order: No; No; Meh-no; Midnight (?); Why; Would’ve been if MoP would’ve had this system in place/Would’ve probably been too many Allied races during one expansion; Would’ve probably been too many Allied races during one expansion; No.

First of all, you phrasing it as “even” implies they would’ve been a bad option. Meaning that you aren’t arguing in good faith as you are implicitly saying here that “even if I get a better option, I’m still going to complain the same way” making your opinion rather pointless to take into account.

Secondly, we don’t know all of their plans - they have added multiple Allied races in previous expansions and only told us about one of those races. See Dark Irons-Kul Tirans, and Zandalari-Vulperans.

Finally, if all you are saying is “gief me uninspiring horse-beaten-to-dead copypastas” as Allied race suggestions … it paints your criticism into a VERY bad light, and makes you completely ignorable.

At least the common reason is that allied races are just the same available races with a few bells and whistles which is understandable. And then there’s salt that we still don’t get Sethrakk. :robot::thought_balloon:


But this isn’t a fair comparison for an endless number of reasons. First of all, would it be cool to get them as an allied race? Sure, and so would most if not all races - but the basis of “it would be cool” doesn’t justify development time, work, time, and money. A feature in a MMO cannot be treated with the same mentality as that of a deviant artist’s OC; no matter however cool that character is.

Secondly, because of the setup of the zone, the races available nearby, the story that took place … there’s not a reason for Sethrakk’s to join neither the Horde nor the Alliance. But there’s a reason for them to be allied with the Vulperans who are their neighbours for all intent and purposes. So the only allied race that they’d realistically be “competing” with would be Vulperans and not Mechagnomes.
One can easily just grab two different races and go “This is what folks wanted” (with no context whether that request even makes sense or not as well) and compare that to something that didn’t turn out the way folks want them to. But even so, I also have to say that there’s a degree of irony with you saying this since your character is a mechagnome and one can make them look sensible.

The reason why folks nab mechagnomes and undress them is to build a narrative of them not looking sensible because “look, a fully dressed character and here is one that looks nonsensical when undressed”.

It is this type of arguments that I was pointing out when responding to Elysele. Appealing to the lowest common denominator on an emotional level is low hanging fruit that wasn’t low enough, so one grabbed the branch, broke it off, and dug it into the ground instead. These comparisons folks make aren’t built on fair comparisons or what is actually doable, but rather just “look, I made a meme therefore I am right.”

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Oh, Elune, this hurts. Look at that marvelous Sethrak. :sob:

I have nothing against Mechagnomes and I am glad for those who enjoy them.

Sethrak though… there’s something about them that makes me want to organize a protest in front of Blizzard’s main offices lmao

Give us snakesssss :snake:

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It would have been so easy for TWW too. It’s an underground expansion, and Sethrak have been demonstrated to live underground in Vol’dun.

The reshi in DF makes it seem like they might also be a curse of flesh race instead of being wild god descended as was assumed, which makes them a newly discovered Titan race as we go into a very Titan focused expansion trilogy.

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I was there back in the day, there were definitely people asking for Worgen (not cursed humans, though, just plain Worgen). They were never a popular demand, but they were people asking for them, yes.

Indeed, that’s my point.

They’re not a reskin, they’re a brand new race. Not the same.

Indeed, playable murlocs or furbolgs don’t make any sense - to me. That’s the thing, this is subjective.

I don’t remember this happening with a single race ? Do you really think there is a general consensus on Kul Tirans or Mechagnomes being cooler than what people originally thought?

In my case, I was super hyped about Dracthyr and once I got my hands on one I got quickly disappointed in them.

Again, that’s just my stance, I understand the contrary might be true for many other people.

Wha… what? Who has ever said anything about wanting FEWER options? What the?!

They clearly are, but I respect your point of view.

I’m good with my stance and my life, I couldn’t be happier.

Quit confusing giving emotional feedback with living a miserable life lol

Good! You’re here to give your opinion. :+1:t3:

Me phrasing it as even means even a newly created race with no established lore like the spider humanoids would have been better (“even” not in the sense that they would’ve been bad, in any case risky).

And again, that’s my opinion, you don’t need to get all this dramatic over my personal opinion, I don’t hold the absolute truth. You just disagree with me and that’s fine.

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In all honesty, sethrak are at the bottom of the list of what i want to see.

They beat earten in the sense that theyre not already playable twice over.
But thats about it really.

Theyre just so ugly.
And i doubt they could make customisation work for them.


Well, youre right about that

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I dunno, I think they’d be cool as hell


I would make so many Sethrak alts.

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I mean, only the first one actually looks like a sethrak… and i hate it haha

I reserve the name parseltongue

I have Dangernoodle saved, just in case lol

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I hate all your changes except bringing back class order halls and making them relevant again.

So glad it’s only a joke.