Don’t look at me, I’m a Vol’Jin loyalist and wanted that Mary-Sue dead on arrival. What is with forum people and making it all about factions? I swear I never got this much guff from the opposite side in game…not even during PvP.
Sorry if I’m a touch defensive, but there has been a great deal of mud-slinging in either direction and I dislike when people attack Alliance characters I still enjoy/have hope for.
They mishandled Tyrande a lot (i.e. her being a brainless moron in “A Little Patience” while God-King Wrynn tells her, a 10,000+ year old veteran of multiple wars, how to lead troops), but I think people blow that Val’sharah questline out of proportion and treat it like it’s a long slog of an escort that spans the entire zone, when in actuality it’s 4 quests. First you guard her during her ritual, then you follow her to Elothir, then you uncover Xavius’ illusions (which people, to this day, think are actually Malfurion going “HELP, I NEED YOU”), and then you fight Ysera.
Night elves have been beaten, pushed over, kicked around, and their face rubbed in the dirt, and really do not have much of anything to hang their hat on anymore. Tyrande killed a single val’kyr in 8.1 (but still failed the objective of “stop nelves from being raised”), was completely absent in 8.2/8.2.5, and is absent in 8.3.
I just want nelves to have something, y’know?
I maintain a fairly philosophical attitude towards main storylines that affect the progression of my character. I may complain about them in forums, but in-game I just ignore aspects of the story I find unpalatable just to get the questline done. If you’re letting it affect you emotionally, there’s a problem. You may want to stop playing the game and indulge in some self examination as to the reason you’re letting b to c grade writing affect you in this way.
“Malfurion my love where are you!”
Click to abandon quest
Only 1 story so she will if she’s involved in the overall zone/covenants story.
I imagine it’ll be more of a “If the Horde truly wishes to atone for Teldrassil, help me find the answers I seek for my people.” situation.
Whereas with the Alliance, it’ll probably be a simple line about helping her.
Considering 2 of the zones involve Draka and Kael’thas, we can only assume it’ll be heavy on Thrall and Lor’themar, which means we’re likely to have 2 zones to Alliance and 2 to Horde leaders.
I could see the zone with Kael’thas split between Lor’themar and Alleria/Umbric and Uther split between Turalyon and Liadrin though.
Dear Laefiel,
Didn’t you get the memo?
Ardenweald is a place where naughty Druids go and spend eternity hearing Tyrande and Malfurion pine for each other for all eternity.
It’s hell for Druids
Better question will she meet:
PS: Gripping moments like this make playing the game better, even if they are tragic.
After the alliance can kill any of the horde leaders.
I’m really going to appreciate it, if instead of “screaming for Malfurion”, she started talking some ranting comments and harsh comments against members of the Horde.
Her people too.
Something like that could work. It wouldn’t have to be a lot, but it would make sense to at least acknowledge it.
It’s not hard to imagine a little difference for Night Elf/Worgen characters but who knows? We don’t have a lot of context.
Many of the spirits mentioned so far are related to the soulbinds, from what I understand. So I guess there will be more than one in each area.
So far Tyrande is the only living character who has been mentioned, I guess because they want to placate people a bit on that topic.
I agree that Lor’themar makes sense as a fairly prominent figure, not only because of Kael’thas, but also Sylvanas. The Silvermoon connection.
You know she’s not the leader of the Covenant right? Their leader is the Winter Queen who lives inside that massive tree.
They already said that many heroes of the Horde/Alliance will follow us into the Shadowlands, but many of them will get trapped in the Maw.
So they’re taking people out of commission for at least part of the xpac I assume. But it also implies there’s more than just Tyrande in the Shadowlands.
We also know Bolvar is prominent in the story, and he’s still alive, technically.
I’m sure that there will be more, yeah.
Maybe an elite force that pursues Sylvanas through the veil and ends up getting scattered around the Shadowlands.
It could be possible somehow for an extremely talented druid to access it through the Dream. But most likely, it’s just gonna be breaking her out of the Maw. I’m not sure how they’re going to get all of these living characters into questlines in the death realm yet.
Since Warcraft sprang from (and became bigger than) Warhammer, this is a fitting response.
Because it’s genuinely annoying. Like as in I find her grating, I don’t chose to find her grating I just do. If anything I usually DON’T let c-grade writing affect me: Like one of my favourite shows of all time was Yu-Gi-Oh…not the japanese one but the DUB. Like I genuinely adore those ridiculous voices and stupid puns. So it’s not a question of TRYING or LETTING it’s a question of Tyrande being I guess the equivalent of what someone else means when they say something is borderline unwatchable.
my sentiments exactly. well, darn… gonna have to go something else.
also, we tried to kill her hubby, think she’s suddenly going to be ok with us just because we picked a friendly faction?
I mean to be fair if WoW allowed any kind of player agency my characters even the Forsaken ones would’ve gone…wait…didn’t these people just help us save the world? And peaced out of the whole Teldrassil burning…I mean what’s the Banshee gonna do to stop me? She got one shot by a low level instance boss. But since I can’t actually say no to any of the quests I’m given. Yeah we did try to kill her husband didn’t we?
Personally in lieu of a lolnope! quest option. I chose to believe it was revenge for the whole “Malfurion!” Incident, I didn’t really mind Malfurion’s voice actor until he started simpering. Now it’s all I can think about and not in like a good way.
That was Xavius whining for him to taunt Tyrande and the player into going further into the Nightmare-infected areas, and give them a choice of who to let die.
Hopefully the rift to shadowlands closes and they can keep her there for good.