I just hate momentum

eyebeam is not a joke, its usually 2nd or 3rd place in dh overal in am ythic raiding overal.

Look at sims and counter the number of Fel Rushes. Even if the Momentum APL Fel Rushes more, the difference isn’t big.

In fact, as far as I am aware, “keeping the buff up at any time” isn’t one of the conditionals of Fel Rush usage with Momentum builds, but instead, the priority list is as follows:

  • Fel Rush if you can gain fury from it without overcapping.
  • Fel Rush before using any Eye Beam to make sure they’re buffed with Momentum
  • Fel Rush to avoid capping charges of Fel Rush.

TL;DR: Fact remains, no-mover IS NOT a real no mover build. The only builds that achieve 0 movement forced rotationally are mid/right builds, and those do not exist, or if they do, they’re so bad they’re not worth considering (as KYE and EssB are central to Havoc).

I like momentum

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I mean, your generating fury with fel rush in no mover, but Fel Rush becomes rotational in no mover, your not using it ad nauseum to keep a buff up.

Look at sims and counter the number of Fel Rushes. Even if the Momentum APL Fel Rushes more, the difference isn’t big.

In fact, as far as I am aware, “keeping the buff up at any time” isn’t one of the conditionals of Fel Rush usage with Momentum builds, but instead, the priority list is as follows:

  • Fel Rush if you can gain fury from it without overcapping.
  • Fel Rush before using any Eye Beam to make sure they’re buffed with Momentum
  • Fel Rush to avoid capping charges of Fel Rush.

TL;DR: Fact remains, no-mover IS NOT a real no mover build. The only builds that achieve 0 movement forced rotationally are mid/right builds, and those do not exist, or if they do, they’re so bad they’re not worth considering (as KYE and EssB are central to Havoc).

when they say no mover they actually mean no mover. it’s a build that goes into burning wound and GT. doesnt take initiative or VR

raid, is a joke becuase there is just some from of ST damage, but eye beam build is very very low vs any other class in the raid,
if is 100% the damage of the dh eye beam, but dh is the .0000000% damage of the team… why you even want eyebeam and the DH in the raid?

i been kick twice since single target is VERY low.

mythic + you have eyebeam being 3rd of your overal. im gonna be very frank with you, without logs we cant really help you. dh havoc st is good in heroic raids, im sorry ou got kicked, but if the reason was due to st dam. then theres something else wrong with your rotation than just “eyebeam build”

keep in mind eyebeam build sims 3-4k lower than momentum. so not that much damage wise

again sim, is just doing skill at random order as they are on cooldown,
the drop from aoe to st is huge.

Doesn’t matter is eyebeam is top damage of the DH,
if DH overall damage is lowest of ALL the dps in the raid.

yes seeing raid logs and see from multiple sources where DH stands in ST

what. there is no random order on cd. theres a rotation that is important especially the essence break window which makes up the bulk of havocs damage. messing up this window = alot of lossed damage.

literally dh dps overal doesnt matter in heroic raiding

the simulation doesnt do combos or odered skills

it does. sims shows you the most optimized rotation and proper essb break combos/windows. its alright if you dont know how to read sims, most dont know. thats why its translated from sims to guides.

And that right there is where I disagree with the build. If you don’t get rotation right, you’re not going to be doing good dps at all. We’re literally forced to not make a mistake during rotation. We skip or forget a step, that’s an automatic drop to the bottom of dps.

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the rotation isnt even hard. you just have to commit it to muscle memory, set up vr and momo and eyebeam into a essb and slap deathsweep and anni if meta is on cd. double deathsweep if meta is available.

having a actual rotation isnt bad at all

Momentum was only played in Emerald Nightmare. After that Nemesis was strictly better. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

If you aren’t doing cutting edge content play how you like.

Classes with no pets.
Warrior, rogue, dh, shamans have wolf’s. Monks tigers(very original blizzard) and clones. Dk have army, pet, who I am missing?

Shorter eye beam doesn’t change that you can out more hit in meta. Just means shorter cast. But you still get the same haste %, same haste time. Is no like you lost eyebeam damage and you get it by x y or z skill after

It looks like a skill issue tbh. How do you only do 39k dps on terros? I was pulling that like two months ago.

You’re averaging like a 25 parse on the 5/8 heroic bosses you managed to get down. That means 75% of DHs that play this game are doing more damage than you. I suggest working on yourself instead of complaining to the forums.

So now you have to press more than 3 buttons and pay attention to damage modifiers like every other class in the game? lol

Isn’t that a good thing? I have much more fun playing DH now.

@OP Glaive and Momentum builds are close enough play what you want. 3.5% edge raidbots gives to momentum is in a vacuum. There is only 1 single target fight.

If devs can keep builds/specs within 5% for a given fight then they have done their job.

Go play FDK if you really want something to get mad about :rofl:. It is trash right now. 10.0.7 might be okay.

Even in cutting edge Glaive build is fine
