I just hate momentum

4% damage nerf to eye beam, fel deviation remains untouched so we still get the full damage from it. You will have to cancel eye beam less to move out of mechs which is nice so you get your huge haste buff after channel. And since meta starts at the start of eye beam you can fit another global. Shouldn’t hurt damage to much.

I don’t understand people, the whole class was built around the momentum windows since legion, yes there has been times when the other talents sim better but Blizzard designed the spec to play with momentum. If you don’t like it then play a different class or build.

Plenty of classes have things that try to make them unique from one and another, this class uses its movement for damage…

No it wasn’t?

We played Momentum in ONE tier in Legion, and after that the spec was perfectly functional without the talent.


Yes, because disliking an 8% maintenance buff attatched to your mobility just to compete with other classes is a “dumb reason”. It feels unrewarding for the amount of extra awareness you need. No other class has to do this and we only compete in giga AoE damage content.


Consider uldir when momentum actually simmed 1-2% higher than demonic but literally nobody played it because of how bad it was on every boss


Most people would be able to stomach the absurdly high ceiling/risky gameplay if the output wasn’t mid pack overall, and drops to the bottom as targets fall off.

And let’s not forget when we played Momo builds we weren’t dependent using VR on cd.

This is not a viable PvP build. There is no burst window.

Incorrect. Meta build in BfA with azerite power was a much took over very quickly.

It’s absolutely terrible in both PvP and PvE.

This. 100% this.


I am not against the supporters that favor or enjoy momentum build. If you are one of them, enjoy the momentum spec in this expansion. I only main DH during legion and it was the first time i stepped into raiding community. For the last patch, no one was even using blade dance and the whole spec was build around Chaos Strike. Technically, Blade Dance was literally taken off the skill bar. As a momentum build supporter, its great that you enjoy the spec but spreading non-factual opinion just because you dislike non-momentum build is something else to discuss. There are so many complaints in regard to momentum build, I don’t think this is a small issue.


I don’t understand how DH’s are doing 70k to 80k on Heroic Raz. I know I’m doing momentum rotations right. How are they pulling this off???

Hold burst for shield phase if possible and if things time out right you have decent burst on add phases as well.

Also switch off of chaos theory to restless hunter for those non glaive fight(s)

Glancing at your logs, your momentum uptimes is fairly low as well, you typically want to aim for > 70% uptime

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is not the momentum buff is the whole left side of the tree… the ilussion of choise from blizz…

we only have one dps spec… and one “good” build…
but blizz “hey players we will nerf the other trees so you think we still think of you, is a great change you will love it.” just to say 10 yrs later, we heard feedback and you dont like momentum so now we will give you! momentum v2.0 that is even crapier than before! enjoy!


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you probably not doing the rotation correctly. i suggest post a log here or in the DH discord for further help

I believe the class’s signatures are eye beam and meta form. Momentum just happens to have the highest sim, it has nothing to be “built around”.


Even the “non-mover” build is an illusion. You are still taking Unbound Chaos to buff Fel Rush, so still have to move to dps. Only difference seems to be trading out Tactical Retreat. I don’t know of any build that is dropping Unbound Chaos, at least with any way to do competitive damage, particularly in AoE.

You’re partially correct.

No-mover is an illusion because it takes Isolated Prey. This talent, other than being completely useless in any AoE or cleave scenario, introduces gameplay similar to that of Momentum.

As every build of Havoc needs KYE and EssB, there’s no way of avoiding the movement gameplay, tuning aside.

As you also mentioned, every single top performer build, be it ST or AoE, uses Momentum.

Yes, Isolated Prey is useless in a cleave scenario. But in PvP against classes that don’t have a pet? This talent is C.R.E.A.M.
I love it.

I just wanted to randomly hype Isolated Prey because IP is just that fine.

BTW just as a general observation, the Eye Beam change is/may be (?) a nerf in PvE, but in PvP - where Eye Beam is interrupted all the time - dealing more damage and having more duration instead of having way more duration is ideal.

I feel like the Eye Beam change was more of a PvP / crit build change, than a PvE-centered change.

I would disagree on it being a pvp change primarily. There are plenty of times in PvE when you need to cancel eye beam in order to avoid some mechanic because its duration was longer than necessary.

It’s just an overall good change to an ability that has us staying in one place too long.

That’s great, then! I didn’t realize having a longer duration Eye Beam was such an issue in PvE as well.

even isolation prey is bla… beside getting 25 rage doing fel rush… 25% eyebeam? eyebeam is a joke! so 25%more joke… great.
yes Non momentum build… is a like since you still have to use unbound chaos.

if funny how they give bad talents and crappier talents, so you can “choose.”
glaives or felbarrage? anyone?

Are we talking No Mover or Shattered Tempest here? because No Mover your not taking anything momentum at all. Little confussed here