I just hate momentum

you grabed a very small portion of the log is that from a sim? or wow log of a ‘player’?

look at:
raidbots com/simbot/report/fWr3C9oUM2NHqMd62d9VZf/simc

It does give priority to trinkets and potions, but not over what skill should be first than another, or hey if one cd is ready 'wait for the other skill" so you can do the combo.
in this case the first time it use eye beam it looks like is going for combo but drinks a potion in between. and after first meta throws glaives.

if you see on “Sample Sequence Table” and just search for essence break, you would assume that will have.

  1. eyebeam before
  2. vengfull retreat
  3. then Essence break
  4. deathsweep or annihilation (depending whas not on CD)

part of the log cant all =(

2:40.280 default N chaos_strike Fluffy_Pillow 120.0/120: 100% fury empowered_demon_soul, immolation_aura, momentum, tactical_retreat, growing_inferno(11), seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:41.553 default N chaos_strike Fluffy_Pillow 120.0/120: 100% fury empowered_demon_soul, momentum, tactical_retreat, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:42.825 default E fel_rush Fluffy_Pillow 110.0/120: 92% fury empowered_demon_soul, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:43.195 default N chaos_strike Fluffy_Pillow 110.0/120: 92% fury momentum, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:44.468 default N chaos_strike Fluffy_Pillow 99.5/120: 83% fury momentum, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:45.741 default J throw_glaive Fluffy_Pillow 59.5/120: 50% fury momentum, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:47.015 default M felblade Fluffy_Pillow 43.0/120: 36% fury momentum, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:48.287 default E fel_rush Fluffy_Pillow 83.0/120: 69% fury seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:48.698 default H eye_beam Fluffy_Pillow 83.0/120: 69% fury momentum, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:50.198 default G death_sweep Fluffy_Pillow 53.0/120: 44% fury metamorphosis, momentum, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:51.261 default O sigil_of_flame Fluffy_Pillow 25.5/120: 21% fury metamorphosis, momentum, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:52.322 default J throw_glaive Fluffy_Pillow 55.5/120: 46% fury metamorphosis, momentum, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:53.252 default D vengeful_retreat Fluffy_Pillow 51.5/120: 43% fury metamorphosis, momentum, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:53.383 default K annihilation Fluffy_Pillow 51.5/120: 43% fury metamorphosis, vengeful_retreat_movement, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:54.445 Waiting 0.093 sec 19.5/120: 16% fury metamorphosis, out_of_range, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:54.538 default A auto_attack Fluffy_Pillow 19.5/120: 16% fury metamorphosis, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:54.538 default L immolation_aura Fluffy_Pillow 19.5/120: 16% fury metamorphosis, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:55.599 default E fel_rush Fluffy_Pillow 70.5/120: 59% fury immolation_aura, metamorphosis, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, unbound_chaos, growing_inferno, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost
2:56.041 default F essence_break Fluffy_Pillow 70.5/120: 59% fury immolation_aura, metamorphosis, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, growing_inferno, seething_chaos, elemental_chaos_frost

as you can see essence_break with no eyebeam before (or some skills before) and not vengfull retreat close. Essence combo are several skills chain, but let’s just go to the most basic one,
eyebeam, empower dance blade (deathsweap) and chaos strike becomes, anhiilation.

why the sim would do eye beam, glaives, sigil of flames wasting haste window? for empowered skills?

if any one would like to review the log, i am open to hear it =)