I Just got the Antoran Charhound!

I know this probably means basically nothing to most folks, but I’ve wanted to get my hands on this one since Legion so I’m super, super pumped!


congrats ! :slight_smile:

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Now you can play the game. I kid…Good job :smiley:

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Congrats!! It’s always exciting looting a new mount.

Grats! Legion mounts are the next group I need to farm, i’m just still a bit too burnt out from them just yet though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this mount that low of a drop rate? I got it like my first or second time in there when it was current


must be a lucky tuesday. i got the ironhoof destroyer from mythic blackhand today.

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Sure, rub it in :wink:


I believe once it falls into “old content” the drop rates get lower.

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I’m not entirely sure just HOW low said droprate is. I’ve seen many people get it while it was current content but I never got it myself.

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Oh that’s right. So this is the same chance as getting invincible now??

Congrats!! :smile:

Grats! I recently got it myself, was a total surprise.

Now if only I could get the same luck with the Sha…

HAH! You’re going for the Heavenly Onyx as well?

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Cool! I got mail muncher yesterday :slight_smile:

Yep! And have been trying since MoP with no luck lol

You’re gonna be at it for a hot minute. That bad boy has a 1 in 2000 droprate!