I Just got the Antoran Charhound!

People talking about getting rare mount drops.

I still haven’t gotten the Sinister Shadows trick off Cho’gall. >:l

Grats dude.

Grats, its ugly.


(gives Dreadsurge a cookie)


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Oh man, I would really make sure I ran that raid on LFR, pugged Normal and Heroic, alongside Mythic guild kills just to ensure I got the most chances at it possible.

I ended up getting it in LFR.


Squawks looks like he lost a little weight, man.

congrats to the maxxxxxxx!!! :grinning:

Aaand Squawks within two hours of pulling the Bloodgorged Hunter.

Today has been an AMAZING day, man.

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nice! that and the gloomhound are really nice looking probably my favorite mounts out of the many they added during that patch.

isn’t being pumped more of a feeling you get before something happens. You have the mount now.

Because I felt like it was the start of a beautiful day of mount farming.

And boy oh boy was it.

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Gratz! I have the purple one from the raid achievement. :slight_smile:

Congratulations! Happy for you!

Gratz to you!

Not sure the exact numbers, I deliberately avoid looking at them because if I know it is utterly hopeless it would be discouraging.

I like hope.