People talking about getting rare mount drops.
I still haven’t gotten the Sinister Shadows trick off Cho’gall. >:l
People talking about getting rare mount drops.
I still haven’t gotten the Sinister Shadows trick off Cho’gall. >:l
Grats dude.
Grats, its ugly.
(gives Dreadsurge a cookie)
Oh man, I would really make sure I ran that raid on LFR, pugged Normal and Heroic, alongside Mythic guild kills just to ensure I got the most chances at it possible.
I ended up getting it in LFR.
Squawks looks like he lost a little weight, man.
congrats to the maxxxxxxx!!!
Aaand Squawks within two hours of pulling the Bloodgorged Hunter.
Today has been an AMAZING day, man.
nice! that and the gloomhound are really nice looking probably my favorite mounts out of the many they added during that patch.
isn’t being pumped more of a feeling you get before something happens. You have the mount now.
Because I felt like it was the start of a beautiful day of mount farming.
And boy oh boy was it.
Gratz! I have the purple one from the raid achievement.
Congratulations! Happy for you!
Gratz to you!
Not sure the exact numbers, I deliberately avoid looking at them because if I know it is utterly hopeless it would be discouraging.
I like hope.