I just don't understand

It wasn’t even really a restructure. They just renamed it… essentially. Normal is flex, heroic is flex, Mythic is the only static when it comes to raid numbers.

Why say we have


when we can simplify it to


Just a re-name. the only thing that could constitute as a restructure would be the combination of Flex to Normal and Heroic, which still makes it Flex soooo…

yall still going on about 1%. READ THE GOT DANG EDIT

Yeah, that one would be worth complaining about. Purely cosmetic items are one thing, but I’m not sure they’re gonna keep players long term if they deny casuals any access to the best gear just for lack of play time.

Last I recall, we can get the next-down level of pvp gear. I haven’t really checked much yet because I haven’t even raised one of my toons to 60 yet - still bouncing back and forth trying to decide on which should be my main after all this time. :thinking:

Even though I agree with you, you can say that because you will have ZERO problems doing all of the raids. It’s the folks who really want the mount but will have extreme difficulties getting into groups and completing the raids… mainly getting into groups (without having to go to the expense of buying multiple tokens to do so).

To me, the mount is butt ugly and I really don’t want it in my collection. That was my thought before I really knew anything how it was obtained. Hard pass on this one. WoW is still a fun game and I’ll watch for future mounts that I want to get.

The weird thing is that people are making such a fuss over this, but think nothing of the gladiator mounts that they permanently miss out on EVERY SEASON (and have, for years).

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Well Brewa for me that’s because I pretend pvp doesnt even exist.

Why not retire? You dont want to play the game anymore. Why not just retire?

The game would continue to live without you.

Ditto for the Keystone Mastery mounts, I assume? :wink:

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Not wanting to do one thing doesnt mean I dont wanna play the game anymore. Stop being such a drama queen.

Brewa, YOU BET

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Then dont do it. You are the one making a drama.

Read the entire post before you start tossing accusations. Many posters have already pointed out my flawed thinking on the matter and I recognize it and have changed my mind.

This was a Bliz error that should have been corrected when it was first brought to light, not let it continue in the achieves until a single day before it went live.

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All I see are whinings. ROFL.

Then you have terrible reading comprehension.

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Oh, no question.

Like I’ve been saying for days:

However, it still doesn’t explain the over-the-top complaining about this, when mount after mount after mount after mount comes and goes - forever - via Arena / rated battlegrounds / Mythic+.

And people never say a word.

I am just curious what other game gives cool rewards or gear for a TUTORIAL which is what LFR is basically…lets you dip your toe in and get a feel for the raid, without the real mechanics for the fights. Not meant as a baseline, meant as a starting steppingstone and has nothing to do with being “casual or 1% (not sure who you think the 1% is either…guys like Method players (pros basically) you seriously can’t think normal raiders are the 1% lmao)”


Actually, this is probably more accurate than saying that mythic raiding is for the 1%. I don’t have the stats, but I’m sure they’re available somewhere, but I would wager that there are more players (not characters, players) who have engaged in some degree of mythic raiding content than those who rely on LFR for gear.

Because for the arena / rated battlegrounds / Mythic+ mounts, they are stated with the requirements in the achieves. The slime cat achiev said it was for ALL levels of the fated raids, not just normal. And it wasn’t even corrected until yesterday in the achiev. Why? That’s a really good question that only Bliz can answer but you know they won’t.

All previous mounts have had the requirements stated clearly… this one was 100% wrong as it was for all levels of the raids. And yes, there is a fated LFR… but I can bet there won’t be much participation in it.

ok, why should people who achieved 3K io in season 3 to get 278 conduits now be shunned to the side so the rest of the community just get handed the 278 conduits? 3K is a pretty decent achievement for people and now… the reward is just handed over to people who cant even accomplish a mythic 0. come on, you dont/cant put in the effort/work, you shouldnt get the reward. Participation trophies teach people NOTHING!