I hope we are not forced to go TBC when it comes

**if it comes

People assume that because the servers are full right now that they will do a bc server or makes these ones go to BC. See if the servers are so full in a few months. They will have to add the production costs of the classic game together and see if it was worth the increase in player subs. Once people get their fill of trying classic they will start dropping off.

Let those that want to stay on Classic stay there. Let those that want to move onto BC the option to copy their character to a BC server where they can “progress” is without having to re-level it. That way the games don’t cross paths and everyone is happy!

In other words, what you’re saying, I think.

Classic WoW is a museum piece, its staying where it is. We will get new servers for Burning Crusade and that may split the community a little further but as long as it makes Blizzard money we’ll get it.