I don’t think that would really work for the Alliance because unlike the Horde, the Alliance doesn’t really have one leader. For example, in BFA Tyrande and Genn went to do their own thing. Anduin protested but he didn’t really try to stop them.
If Tyralyon took over he might be in charge of SOME of the humans. Everybody else would just build new alliances around him.
So, Illidan kills the Prime Naaru, the leader of the Army of the Light, while they’re all entrenched within the beating heart of the Burning Legion, and Turalyon retaliates… and somehow that makes him a zealot and a bigot?
Illidan being some random night elf (which Turalyon has never heard of) that is mostly demon (which Turalyon has been fighting for 10,000 years). Totally unreasonable to attack him after he lasers your leader.
Well for Yrel’s holy war story to justify her as a villain, we’re expected to forget the Draenei don’t have good reason to be sore with the Orcs - THE IRON HORDE - and we’re expected to swallow that they’re suddenly mustache twirling fanatics now.
Illidan did kill Turalyon’s guardian angel in front of him, and Illidan was part demon - Turalyon’s sworn enemies for centuries - so he had good reason to be mad and attack. Illidan didn’t need to kill Xe’ra if he didn’t want to be Lightforged, especially since he was strong enough to break free (excessive force is a thing).
Not sure what to tell the three or four of you. I think you’re wrong and I think I’m right. And I’m not going to change my opinion becuase some Void Elf wrote a “So what you’re saying is…” post.
Turalyon isn’t some blind zealot who pushes away everyone who doesn’t follow the Light. His own wife is two steps removed from a Void Lord or something. His Lightforged Draenei and the Void Elves work together on missions. In one of his conversations with Anduin he even says, “We must never permit the Light to control us, but rather allow it to guide us where appropriate.” We’re talking about the man who, when Genn wanted to invade Zandalar because there was evidence of Sylvanas’ Dark Rangers out there, Turalyon was the one who pointed out that’d provoke a new war.
Turalyon is one of the more open-minded, tolerant characters in this setting. Threads like this asking for him to be changed to be some kind of super zealot that’d make the Scarlet Crusade blush always boggle my mind.
Who’s making that argument? I’m saying his time in the void made him Light obcessed. As evidenced by his god attempting to take over illidan, illidan fights back, and despite this, Turalyon tries to kill him.
Really not a fan of what they did to Yrel at all because it implies that blizzard is falling into the same trope they always do mind controled/ heavily coerced villains. She wasn’t fanatical at all in wod which leads me to believe it’s the same old mind control trope blizzard falls back on so much. Hell, they even did it for sylvanas with her soul being split.
As long as Turalyon goes completely off the rails killing the Horde the way Garrosh did during Cataclysm or Sylvanas did during BfA I’m okay with it.
I would absolutely happily wait for the nerdrage threads so I could laugh inwardly and post “Turalyon did nothing wrong” the SAME WAY people said “Garrosh/Sylvanas did nothing wrong”.
If he turns into a useless peace-nik? Yeah. No. I’m not having it.
Illidan killed Turalyon’s guardian angel when he didn’t need to kill her, simple as that. I’m starting to think you’re just in denial because you don’t like our counterarguments.
Demon Hunters have the ability to let out a quick fel burst around them. Could’ve easily destroyed his binds if he had the strength to kill X’era in one eyebeam.