I hope the "No Changes" fetish isn't as strong for TBC

I love TBC and i want it badly but even I’m not this naive.

TBC was fine as it was BACK THEN. It would not be fine NOW.

The only reason it wasn’t so bad back then is because more people were on Alliance going from Vanilla to TBC and before Min/Maxing.

TBC 100% needs Horde Racials/Seal of Blood changed or it will be Dead on Alliance side.

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Here’s the thing. “NoChange” was a joke to start with. Blizzard has only used that mantra to excuse them modifying the retail client.

Blizzard already intended to make no significant changes to Classic.

…you think it was done to make it “vanilla like”. But every thing has been to make it easier to run Classic in “maintenance mode”, and on minimal hardware.


Racials in TBC were the same as Vanilla except that they gave Fear Ward to all priests about half way through the expansion. So basically Horde is even stronger because it has Fear Ward as well as all the current racials.

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Uh huh, and Dwarf and Draenei got a stun instead. This was in later TBC iirc.

You know i don’t even like the idea of fear ward going to everyone. But i rather no changes than BFA.

Horde is top pvp and pve in TBC.

I hope they release Classic TBC because it’s going to be so imbalanced that it will be hilarious.

they are not going to make 100s of servers again. it was a cost saving move because they dont like merging dead realms

Flying was the 2nd biggest mistake, the first was crossrealm anything.

flying was fine, wpvp is terrible anyway

as if no one complained about wpvp in classic lmfao


Yeah sadly.

I will continue to play Alliance, I hate the horde like satan hates god.

But it will be on a pve server.

those are strong feelings

Yeah it comes from playing Warcraft 1 when I was 6.

I know all the real history and lore, not all the crap / retcons.

One faction isn’t vastly stronger. Again, let’s look at actual facts:

Dwarf - Stoneform - Flipping AMAZING. Both in PVP and PVE.
Dwarf - Gunskill - Good in PVE

Humans - Perception - Excellent in PVP
Humans - Sword Skill - Excellent in PVE

Gnomes - Escape Artist - Amazing in PVP, good/gimicky useful in PVE

Orcs - 2.5% higher stun resist chance - Good in PVP
Orcs - Ax Skill Excellent in PVE
Orcs - Pet damage increase - pretty decent for PVP/PVE

Tauren - Warstomp - okay in PVP/PVE

Troll - Berserking - Excellent in PVE/Meh in PVP

Undead - WOTF - Excellent in PVP, Good/situational in PVE

Saying horde are clearcut better is sort of ridiculous. Both sides have small things that may make them more appealing. For some of us, our class of choice isn’t offered on the other faction. Which also plays a huge roll.

I wanted to play shammy, which means many of my friends had no choice but to go horde. Just like some of my friends wanted to play pally. There’s just certain things you can’t fix.

Also, many people are playing ally in reeeeeetail. They’re tired of it and want a change of pace. Acting like this is some form of crime and making it seem like a group of people “got what they deserve” is not only foolish, but it’s laughable. Use your head.

quite the broad brush you’re using: I always wanted classic +. I saw this as an opportunity to do it better. I also realize why that would have been impossible.

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You’re right you couldn’t sap them in cat form, but you could either blind them or cheapshot and have your lock / spriest come over for a fear.