I hope the downtime is to

I hope the downtime is to fix the absolutely ridiculous low drop rate on the Love is in the Air saddle. After all, there’s almost no point to it if we don’t get it this year. Next year, there’s gonna be hundreds of dynamic flying mounts. This is the only time we’ll ever be limited to so few and have a reason to dress them up.

If it’s not that, here’s hoping they’re finally gonna fix the Lunar Fest pets that are faction locked when they shouldn’t be.


You haven’t got the drop because you make posts like this instead of giving the RNG gods their due respect. Repent, and accept the drop rates as they are, and perhaps the RNG gods will smile upon you instead of spurning you.

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We can see mount collections on the forums.

True, what’s your point?

Usually when people have to make threads about why this game sucks, not just once, but for months, even years…

It shows they have a really sad life. You should feel bad for them

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I think its ok not to have everything, and if you do really want that really bad, then think of a way to improve the chances of getting it

The only thing i wanted from the event. Got the love rocket but i’d trade it for the saddle.

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what no way

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I got it on my fourth or fifth day of the event only running only this character through the instance each day.

So why is there a point to get it now if there is no point in the future? Sounds like you’re just greedy.

Not just greedy, but entitled. The good old “my unobtainable pixels” argument…

Given some of us have been grinding dozens of alts every year, just to STILL not have the Love Rocket, adding another crazy low drop rate is just trolling us at this point.

It’s like they WANT us to be angry and disappointed. I guess it’s their idea of “fun” - for them, anyway.


Is the manuscript as rare as the rocket?

I got lucky and ended up with the heart saddle, but wish I had the rocket instead.

That being said, I haven’t seen anyone else with this dragon manuscript.

Maybe I should reconsider, which one I value more.

And here I was thinking the manuscript is more or less guaranteed. I’ve had the love rocket for years now (since WoD) and I’ve largely given up caring about FOMO/holiday nonsense but it was late and a friend could’ve used a quick queue on a few pure DPS toons so I obliged and got it on the first or second run. Figured it was just a gimme for participating.

Doesn’t even look all that good. Y’all aint missing out.

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