I hope BG Blitz Kills RBGs for good

I think it would be beneficial for everyone if RBGs were completely killed off.

RBGs community has been the most toxic bottom feeding scum of a community for 10 years already.

Battleground blitz is essentially what RBGs should have been from day one. Queue, play, increase / decrease rating based on how you did. Good players can make an impact on the outcome of the game no matter how much dead weight the team is. Less heals / less dps = less burst all around.

It doesn’t really need the bg modifiers, but the role template is fantastic and the inability to group means no paid carries. Also no more dodging competitive groups at your mmr and sniping baby group finder groups for free rating. No waiting for an hour or two of forming just to have your proudly racist RBG leader rage quit after the first loss, scapegoat someone + disband while throwing hard Rs everywhere in discord.

That basically sums up the entire RBG community other than Ottovonbird and Skinnyfiend, those are literally the only nice leaders that are relevant, and are actually good. The community as a whole cuts in half every season and new players get hard stuck 1600 for life because it’s so toxic above 1800.

It’s not like RBGs have any rewards anyways. There is literally no reason to do them other than to get carried and cap conquest.


there has to be an even balance. sure the rated players are super sweaty but at the other end of the spectrum are the complacent lazy crowd who only want the pvp rewards not the actual pvp.
at least the super sweatys want to win and not just show up.


Eh I think anyone queuing anything with rating wants to win. If they simply cannot be competitive enough and if blizzard refuses to use stat templates for PvP then they’ll just live hard stuck 1600 or they’ll get better and grind out higher. It’s a win win

You know all about that eh?


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