I honestly dislike NEEDING a legendary

yea, 3 of my toons have legendaries, didn’t need a token…

my 4th, I took my witch into ZM today… no legendary, she is still melting face.

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Hey could just not buy the max ilvl one. It seems like most people complaining about the price of legendaries don’t realize they could just NOT BUY THE MOST EXPENSIVE ONE.

While I tend to agree, 99% of us can get by just fine without having max level legendary items. The vast majority of the power comes from the actually effect and not the handful of stats you receive for having higher ilvl version.

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What? The only thing I can see getting a slight rework is the actual crafting side of creating the base legendary items which is notorious for how costly and tedious it is.

As for not having gold to make your legendaries… how do you not have gold? I do NOTHING intentionally to make gold and I’ve make several hundred thousand on this character alone just from doing basic junk like getting rep caches and the daily callings. Unless you’re on a server where there’s only one guy crafting each base item then the prices shouldn’t be so bad you can’t afford them- unless you do absolutely nothing to generate gold.

As for Torghast- sure, you’ve gotta do it, but it’s just some more PVE with a twist thrown in. No matter what expansion you’re playing you were going to be doing some form of tediously repetitious PVE to get all of your gear (or PVP if you’re one of those people). I’ve been sitting on completely maxed out relevant legendaries for frost and unholy for ages now with pretty much nothing else to spend my gold/legendary mats on and I did jack squat to get to that point.

Now, in all fairness, if you only play like, 5 hours a week then yeah, the system probably sucks for you since it stretches your time thin, but on the other hand it’s an MMO- a genre that’s a literal timesink.

Lol can you imagine the outcry if they tried to do something like Sulfuras or Thunderfury in modern WoW?

“I’m literally being forced to grind this raid over and over again, my class is not complete without Thunderfury, have to farm mats for literally hours, toxic gameplay design, etc”


I enjoyed Legion’s approach with random legendary drop chance. It made nearly all activities just a little bit more interesting.

I get that it sucked for high-end raiders trying to min/max BIS items, but for us peons it was pretty dang fun.


To be honest the last legendaries we had were the cloak from MoP and the ring from WoD .

Doing the quest chains was what made them feel legendary and WoD had the best upgrade system . The raid gave the upgrade material and you didn’t have to buy a new item to have an upgrade.

Today’s legendaries (Legion and SL) I would consider more as “Orange is the new purple”

How I would change things is 1: Go back to a single legendary 2: Go back to it being a chain of quests . 3: Have options for players to the quests in their prefered content and the more forms you do the faster you progress through the chain . 4: Either leave it a a base ilvl or like (3) give players the option to get upgrade material to take to a vendor to use as payment for an upgrade.

Number 4 is how they should of done the legendary upgrades in SL . Instead of having to grind more Soul Sh and having to buy ort craft another legendary base item at a higher ilvl , it should of been a base ilvl item that was upgraded via more Soul ash .

buy and sell tokens for real gold, put more $ in bliz parket, sell stuff on the cash market, Follow the money and you’ll see why they do most everything.

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Are you picking the “BiS” legendary, or the one you want to play?

I picked the one I want to play. A 3rd conflagerate is a quality of life boost. In theory (at the time) the BiS was something with the Infernal. I use my bonus everywhere, all day long. I love Infernals, but, they don’t drop as much as conflag does.

If you don’t like your power, grab one of the other 20 or so powers.

I didnt mind legions legendary system either for the most part. I got sephusz secret and kinda just kept using it until Antorus where I could start using the Gambler build after getting every leggo. The biggest issue from my pov at least was that some legendaries, and later on combos were so much better than the others that classes could see insane power spikes based on whether rngesus blessed them that day or not. My sephusz was middle of the pack in terms of damage so I wasn’t too miffed but, there were some like a “ghost wolf does cdr” that were just plain useless in real combat.

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The gold is true, for the other resources now they are account-wide through vendors and mailing.
But yeah, the gold they require basically forces any non-old player with tons of gold to buy a wow token or beg in trade for someone to help, which you may actually find if you beg for long enough btw.
If you are on a bad server I’d recommend paying for a server transfer instead, to a “full” server… they aren’t full… Even those servers are dead compared to other MMOs, but prices make sense, but you’ll still not be able to afford whatever is best atm.

I really miss when legendaries were a highly powered weapon for a few classes per expac that everyone in the raid group got to help work toward for their lucky raiders. Cata was the last expansion with actual legendaries, IMO.

Agree the MoP cloaks were the most compelling legendaries I’ve ever seen in this game

Legendaries now feel like stuff that should have been part of our characters but was torn away to make a new grind and to promote the cash shop for gold

The satisfying dopamine feedback loops of this game has been utterly devastated by the new designs

As every single wow dev keeps saying, ‘wow is a different game now’ and they are utterly opaque about the conflict on designing for player value and enjoyment vs designing to manipulate the player blob towards increasing cash shop metrics

Devs: WoW is a different game now

Translation : We only know how to design for the mobile gaming market now . Actually designing around computers or consoles is not in our skill set.

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I watched 3 guilds in classic break up over Thunderfury binding drama.

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Except its not, professions are in a no way better shape then they have been for years now.

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yup. people screamed and cried about having to just raid for the sylvanas bow. it’s hilarious.

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Why do you NEED a legendary?

To be even remotely competitive.

It’s just many people’s go-to conspiracy. Cynicism is an easy sell.

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