I hit KSM 2000 rating for the first time! Woo! 100% pugging!

Grats man!

Should go for 2500 and AOTC.

2500 isnt even to difficult to get to either.

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Heck yeah! Congrats, friend!!

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Actually back when I was doing +5s I ended up getting a bunch of weakauras, setup some macros, and started using a mouseover for interrupts.

It was all a massive help, especially the mouseover interrupts and the quazii plater nameplates that has different colors for the enemies so I know who needs to be interrupted.

I think the biggest thing honestly was just simply knowing where to stand. In AOE pulls and boss fights, standing in the wrong spot will just get you killed. The little swirlies can be hard to see so you have to really look out for it. Also almost any type of circle should be avoided. In the earlier 2-8 range, you can stand anywhere and not worry, but once you hit 10-15, you start to die instantly to a lot of these.

Anyways, I think I might take my Ret Paladin up to 2000. I kept grouping with them and they were pulling MASSIVE damage numbers. Their sustain wasn’t that great on boss fights, but I was jealous when we would pull a pack of mobs and they would skyrocket up to like 700K dps in about 1.7 seconds.

congrats dude

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Thats great lol

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