I healed 3 solo shuffles in the last hour

If Arcane is hitting 220k Blast crits stop letting him get Arcane Surge off, it’s a 2.5 sec cast before haste and requires him to open up his Arcane school, kick it and have your teammates tunnel him and he can’t do anything the whole game.

If you’re letting Arcane hard cast Surge and then hard cast some more with Missiles and Blasts the fault is squarely on your team. Arcane is the easiest spec to shut down.

you are welcome hyberbole

PvP Rating Cutoffs as of 9:00 a.m. PDT May 1 - PVP / Arenas - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

I would certainly rather wait a smidge longer than get queued with a healer that chooses to purposefully throw rounds :confused:

Your gear is terrible for this point in the season. Get some crafted pvp gear at least.

They also listed some things that detracted from their RSS healer experience.

If Blizzard doesn’t do more to address these concerns, more and more healers leave RSS each day.

Because people deciding that something isn’t fun and not wanting to do it anymore till it becomes fun makes them a quitter? Great logic you got there.


Maybe that’s why Blizzard is not doing more to incentivize healers.

Any healer who plays less or stops queuing because they don’t enjoy the current state of RSS is a quitter.

It’s time to weed out all the quitters and see if any healers remain.

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Shadowlands 2.0 PvP

Don’t have any sparks. I’ve been doing PvE for the last month because of the state of RSS.

good luck convincing ppl in RSS to not tunnel what they want.
They went the lock, mage gets to freecast.

Do people still not know how the crafting works at this point?

They’ve used their sparks on pve gear.


I just asked a question… there’s no need to get defensive.

…Sounds like projection to me. It’s not my fault you don’t “Measure up.”

So I see.

What does measure up even mean?
And why am I getting defensive? Because everytime I come onto these forums and ask a simple question, I get some two bit half idiotic rude response that doesn’t even answer the original question.

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Healers needs purge protection. Purges should be used for non rotational things, not purging your entire kit. Im totally ok for not being able to dispel dots too.

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No, quitting a game halfway through does. I mean, objectively. Are we arguing that? Lol.

I’m just giving him crap anyway. And for what it’s worth, you can spin it any which way but he’s definitely giving up in a fit of anger. Use whichever word you’d like. I just think people are a little too quick to give up is all.

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Even better! I healed 3 shuffle rounds, so about an hour of frustrating as hell gameplay with DPS zugzugging around to have 0 rating change each time. I get that means I’m not improving but everyone else in the lobby gains or loses rating.

Why are we even healing at all anymore? lol, I don’t need the conq or gear and I’m playing for rating but this system feels different from last season.
I main heals across 4 characters and this sucks with the insane burst, cc chains and rating system.


He left the last game. He could have finished it and chose to never que again but no he decided to be selfish and a quitter.

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I asked you a question - a question stemming from the fact that a lot of PVP players don’t seem to quite get the crafting system. Back in the beginning of 10.1, PVP players were pretty darn confused about how it all worked - partly because they never really engaged with it before. I could easily see new/returning PVP players (which you might be for all I know) being equally confused about it, even now. All you had to say was, “I used the sparks to craft PVE gear.” Conversation over. No need to get snippy with me.

No one else if affected? You enjoying the queues?

He shouldn’t stick around if he isn’t having fun.