I have someone trolling my raid lockout

This is flat out wrong. He’s sitting here pulling the boss in a 2 man group with no intention to kill it.

Edit: To clarify, the 2nd person in the group is his alt.

All you can do is wait till he gets bored eventualy he will.


Why are you even responding to this post? Griefing lockouts is 100% against the code of conduct and people have been punished for doing it before. You aren’t helping by spreading misinformation trying to play devil’s advocate.

No it’s not.



Because this forum is primarily for players to help out other players.

No, unfortunately it’s not.


It absolutely is not.

Because this forum is for players helping others. It is not a contact point with the GM’s. If you want to report someone, then it’s through the Support system.

It is not.

Here is a Blue response:


Alright, I’ll post this for an MVP who is a shining beacon of the WoW forums community. Also, he isn’t helping. He’s spreading misinformation. That would be the opposite.

Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

Want to explain how this isn’t considering griefing? Sitting in a lockout you have no intention of killing yet they’re pulling the boss over and over. Go for it and try to rationalize this behavior as anything other than griefing. Would love to see those mental gymnastics.

Because in WoW, they don’t action for “griefing”. The other player has the same right to the lockout as you do. Are you therefor “griefing” them too?

Melaesia Provided you to a link from a blue, a Blizz employee, who explained it’s not against the rules. So are you going to tell me they’re wrong too?

Here’s the link again:


Ive told no lies what so ever ive said exactly what a blue wouldve said and a GM wont be able to help you im sorry you dont like being told the truth but your just gona have to wait till he gets bored enough.


Your interpretation of it doesn’t over-rule a Blizzard’s post about this exact issue. If they have the raid-ID they are allowed into the raid.

No mental gymnastics except by you. It’s a jerk move but it’s not against the rules.


Blue posts have been wrong many times in the past and linking them isn’t exactly evidence to the fact that something is condoned or allowed by Blizzard.

Here’s something that is a guideline used to decide what is and isn’t allowed. You’re going to want to scroll down to “Disruption / Harassment”. If it’s hard to find you can Ctrl+F and paste that in. It clearly states this behavior is not allowed, but I’m sure the MVP and CM who posted in that thread has a great understanding of game rules as required by someone with their very prestigious position.

Griefing is a nebulous term. You could put that onto anything in this game. Killed a mob you wanted? Griefing. Got to a node before you? Griefing. That’s why griefing is in quotations. They are acknowledging that players use the term, but as you can see, it’s not easily defined.

You really don’t know what his intentions are, as he could be trying to pull a bigger group together.

There’s no question that you are aggrieved. The issue is whether this specific behavior is against the rules. It is not. Blizzard does not intervene. He has the same rights to a raid lockout as you do.


Yeah, this is just flat out wrong. You should spend more time in game rather than “helping” on WoW official forums.

I’d recommend against trolling here Wifegwip.

I get that it’s not the answer you wanted, but it’s the correct one.


Not really, especially when communicating the current policy. Now, can POLICY change, thereby rendering a previous post “incorrect”? Sure. But that hasn’t happened here. The policy remains the same.


Alright, so when they said Legion legendaries weren’t capped at 4, multiple times, multiple blue posts. Assuring people with conviction that it wasn’t a thing. Then a month later it comes out that they were in fact capped to 4. You do know that the CMs who answer posts on here aren’t the ones who handle in game punishments? They’re customer service reps. They can be wrong about policy.

MMO by nature changes they dont know what a month may bring down the line there not liasons to the developers They go by what information is given to them at a given time.


Again, it’s very possible that when they said they weren’t capped at 4, they weren’t. And later, they changed their minds and capped them at 4.

You can twist things all you want around here, but the final answer is that they will not intervene here, and that player has the same rights to be there as you. Period. End of story.

If you want to suggest they change this policy, you’ll need to post in the Dungeons and Raids Forum, or use the in-game Suggestion tool.


You do know the SFAs here are employees and are a lot more familiar with the policies than you?

One, maybe. All of them, not likely.


It’s not though. The devs themselves stated they were capped at 4. The CM were very clear, before the devs made that announcement, that the community was wrong and they weren’t. It’s not about perception or things changing. They were flat out wrong but continued to speak on something they were uniformed about.