I have solved general discussion forum trolling (brilliant idea in this thread)

:blush: :pray:

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Well one thing for sure, the Amani Forest Trolls in Zul’Aman are a pain in the neck. Every time you go near the area, hunting for bat meat, they give you a hard time.

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Doesn’t prove that it’s not an unconnected account belonging to the same player, just that it’s not on the same bnet.

I’m just tired of ppl liking their own comments with alts/other accounts.

It’s very sad.

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someone just suggested that last week and it was a bad idea then and hasn’t improved since then

I really don’t understand the obsession with controlling how others post and on what they post - it is annoying at times when people troll but there is a report function for that.


I disagree with your idea.

the simplest way to deal with trolls and topic spam is to add a filter list so we don’t see certain topics.


you type a list of words and topics with those titles no longer appear for you.

that’s it.

edit :

and it would also be good to prevent Alts in the forum. Only one character per account should be able to post.

Those all make pretty entertaining threads to be fair