I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

This is really what parses are for. You might feel like you’re doing your rotation perfectly but looking at the parse you might see some mistakes.

A lot of people use parses to bring you down just remember that insults always say more about them than about you.

I mean he made it clear they don’t care about doing better.

They show up and press buttons, it doesn’t matter if those buttons are right.


They probably aren’t pressing buttons completely at random like you are suggesting. There is some metric besides parses that they use to determine how to play well.

Random keystrokes won’t clear raids. In some cases it can’t even be carried.


I’m saying they are doing their rotation because of a guide but they don’t really care about getting better…

He probably doesn’t even use army of the Dead on bosses

What’s the point of the guide then?

I feel the exact same way. I’ve never felt the need to parse, or to even have the perfect spec setup.

My resto spec is slightly skewed away from the supposed “best build” available, but I like the way I have it.

I’ve hated the min/max chasers since the beggining as it only promotes a toxic community that berates anybody who doesn’t fit their standard.


It’s not really the same. Healers don’t face the same kind of parse pressure as damage dealers, and in fact in many cases it’s optimal to tailor your setup to your playstyle and assignments than to follow anything cookie cutter.


I agree and can barely understand the purpose of turning raiding into an e-peen contest. You can see your own damage from local damage meter addons and nothing else is necessary for analyzing your gameplay.

Plus damage is like 95% a direct reflection of your gear and nothing else. Class rotations are all mind numbingly easy and there is very little you can do to mess it up or do better than whatever your gear allows you to.

So basically have the best gear and do the boss mechanics and you are at the 5th percentile of damage which can only be improved a tiny bit by perfectly timing abilities. It is irrelevant.


Parses are for much more than just dps. They make it easier to track damage sources, uptime, cooldown tracking. DPS can use it to see what avoidable damage they got hit by, and to see where they can cut corners avoiding mechanics in order to pump out more damage. Healers use it to see how much actual healing they’ve done vs overhealing, to see when they need to drop all their big heals and when they need to conserve mana. Tanks use it to figure out where they’re taking the most damage and where best to use their cooldowns

Using parses just to measure dps is like buying a smartphone just to use its clock


Like I said, you can see all this in a local damage meter. It is not necessary to upload this to the internet to do this analysis.


Parses are tools so you can analyze what you did. It’s very useful to look over so you can see where you didn’t do as good and compare them to better players to see what they do differently. If you don’t like improving your performance over time that’s your choice, but some of us find that as part of the fun of the game.


So why aren’t you posting on your DK? Hiding something?

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“Local damage meters” only show you the raw numbers. Parse logs analyze the data and tell you when what is happening where and make it way easier not just to figure out what you can do better, but also what the rest of your group is doing and how you can best work with the rest of your group, which is invaluable for raid teams

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I respect your take on what’s fun. I am the opposite I prefer to churn out every ounce of efficiency with my characters and use my parse to improve. I can easily brag about a few rank ones I’ve gotten, but it’s a tool of growth for me. Not a way to brag.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

sucks to suck I guess

So you need an internet website to analyze numbers for you? You can read the local meter and see that half your raid wiped to “Ability X” and you can’t make your own conclusion that you should do better to avoid getting hit by that?

People cleared OG wrath just fine with only local meters or even nothing at all. It’s simply not necessary for learning and clearing the content. The only purpose at this point is a leaderboard of sorts.


Me? No, I don’t use parse logs. But I understand their purpose and how the benefit raid groups that play together week to week

Nice job dismissing the point

And people cleared Naxx in Wrath Classic just fine with only local meters or even nothing at all. That doesn’t mean they don’t have room for improvement that simple numbers can’t resolve

You seem to be trying really hard to convince yourself of something

What’s wrong with caring how you do Vs others of your class/spec?

You really ok with being the worst rogue for example?

You wouldn’t want to improve?

Like I said above your damage output is a direct function of your gear. There is very little wiggle room for doing worse or better if you aren’t failing at the boss mechanics.

If every rogue in the game had the same gear and spec and was attacking a target dummy for 5 minutes their damage would all be basically the same.

Logs provide a million times more data than a meter and meters are typically VERY wrong. You can pinpoint exactly what went wrong and exactly what you can do to improve with a log. All a meter does is tell you a number with zero context.