I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

Yes, that is the definition of projection. Cope more

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I couldn’t picture a more perfect ending than this for you…

I knew I was right about you

I finally understand why this forum is full of nothing but QQ.

From the most recent threads, its literally full of grey parsing, off meta spec pve turds and sub 1500 arena players QQing constantly. The gear envy of people who play more than them has them malding harder than Asmongold trying to get mounts. These people literally cant cope with the fact that time put in = rewards.

From QQing about people with gold in GDKPs, to QQing about arena rating requirements or cost of gear, to QQing about getting booted from runs for parsing grey or on their awful off-meta specs.

No wonder nothing this place ever presents gets implemented. Its literally bottom of the barrel player pool spending more time here QQIng than in the game. So glad I can avoid all of it in game. Participation Trophies really did ruin an entire generation.


Shrug, as long as I know I’m not being carried. When I did raid TBC, comp obviously was a huge deal. I never got a lust until we hit 25 man content. I never had a spriest until Hyjal, BT.

Meh, if I"m high blue or low purple, that’s good enough for me. If content is on farm, I’m not going to make a point to follow my shaman around for drums.

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Like being a 13 parsing rogue.

The game would be unplayable if the forums were representative of the real player base. I’m glad my guild is filled with people who take the game seriously and seek to perform. If most guilds were filled with these forum types I’d probably just quit. The clowns on these forums sadly have a larger voice when it comes to blizzard though.

where did you get 0 from? my retail DK?

You seem to think this bothers me when I reply to dumb people constantly on this forum for less.

I enjoy watching you nerds try and argue. It is funny to watch you try and formulate comebacks when you have no material.

It is like watching a primate at the zoo fling it’s poo.

The primate would parse a 15…


That isn’t even me LUL. You are so desperate it’s sad.

Get a life you muppet, and a decent DPS class.

Can I legit ask how you parse 13 if he is talking about you?

Do you not hit your keys, are you playing a random generated spec?

I genuinely dont understand.

Thats like saying your proud of scoring in the bottom 13th percentile on an IQ test.

It isn’t my account LUL. You’d have to ask that person.

You admitted to it being you LOLOLOL

No I didn’t but I can see how you would be confused since you can barely understand english.

It’s literally up there lololol.

Don’t backpeddle now

I’m farming posts off of you. You are doing me a favor. 10k here I come…

Actually, I found out that healers don’t parse all that well. And seeing as how I main a healer, it’s why I’ve never really been bothered about it.

You will never have good parses but at least you’ll have a high postcount right?


You will never have a decent job or IQ but at least you have parses on an irrelevant DPS class in WOTLK…