I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

I get salary and OT when I want. LUL. Stay mad.

You’re cringe and sad bro.

You sound mad bro.

Today has been the best day of the year…

A forum troll gets exposed to be a gray parser…

What a time to be alive

Time to make a new account and hide better huh

You didn’t expose anything besides your low IQ and low income.

I’m not mad. I just find it funny when people try to lord over salary vs hourly status when hourly employees can get paid insanely well. I get paid 43/hr in my job with double OT on any overtime done. I’m an hourly employee but I make more than most salaried people I know. I don’t go and brag about it because that’s dumb and for insecure degens.

Yeah you got triggered.

I mean you can think that if you like as I calmly reply to you. This is mild entertainment.

Sure you just replied with a mad reply about how I can’t get paid the way I can because it’s not fair.



Uh. OK dude. Seek therapy imo, you have issues you gotta sort out.

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Its not “randomly generated…” Thats… uhh… kind of the point.

Also this is a stupid post

Good thing I can easily afford it with my insane pay.

I mean I’m an 11th grade high school drop out making over 6 figures a year.

Go look up that statistics, the odds of a high school drop out making that much.

I’m out here parsing in life!!!

People make more people make less. I love where I’m at.

But you a grey parser LMFAO


Don’t you have a truck that needs to be driven from point A to point B? You should put your real skill set to work since no one cares about mage parses in WOTLK.

So… how do you know your rotation is “perfect” like you said without checking logs and comparing with better logs than yours?

Asking for a friend…

I feel more and more like you’re just an angry high school student learning how the world works in real time right now. Tbh its kind of fun to watch


Shouldn’t you be looking up a guide on how to play your class above a 13???

Grey parse!!

You are just salty about my income situation. Life isn’t fair bro :slight_smile:

Shouldn’t you reroll to a useful DPS class?