I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

You’re so mad right now.



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Mad that you confused me with someone else?

I think you are high on diesel fumes.

Hourly worker LUL.

mad cuz exposed! :o

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How can I be exposed if I"VE NEVER DONE NAXX.

You people are legit the dumbest people on these forums.

Bro you losing to a stupid truck driver…

Stay mad

You are losing life to a 61 gnome mage.

he’s EXPOSED as a grey parser LOL

Look the DK with 3 brain cells has joined the conversation.

You average a 13…

I’m crying

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I haven’t done NAXX… I just dinged 80 LUL.

I wonder if this was OPs evil plan all along.

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Imagine bragging about getting exploited into overtime without extra pay. Muh salary. Lol.

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The mage blew a gasket when he realized his class is middle of the pack as DPS and now is rabbid to make someone else feel bad.

I get extra pay with OT you nub. I guess it was too subtle for you. I can also do it whenever I want.

Okay Mr 13.

Frosstfire the Grey.

You have unlocked a new title!!

Mad mage is mad. Sorry your class sucks and is barely better than boomkin LUL.

I just cant. IM DYING LOL. My lungs are bursting from laughter. LOL

You must be off your meds then.

So you’re an hourly employee with 40 hours guaranteed then. Salary implies OT exemption.