I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

And yet I probably out DPS everyone on your raid team.

An average rogue, warlock, or DK can out dps you without trying.

This man is FURIOUSLY typing up his messages.


But you’re not

I’m a rogue so I can. :slight_smile:

You said average.

We both know you’re far below average

We both know you are mady mcmaderson right now. Not my fault you chose a sub-par class.

Also assa is the easiest class to play and does more damage than you. LUL.

I have nothing to be mad about you think I take what you say seriously?

Bro you’re hiding I told you this before you have no credibility…

You’re literally a gray parser

You keep replying because you are mad.

It’s more that I’m just bored at work.

Second shift truck driver life

That explains a lot actually…

It does in fact you’re welcome for supplying your grocery store with groceries for you to shop for.

I mean someone has to do it :slight_smile: Just like flipping my burgers at the fast food place…

Yep just like surgeons performing surgery…

Thanks for clearing up that people do jobs that other people need

Such insight

Ok mr truck driver. LUL

You eating fast food burgers breh?

Yeah cause they are fast.

He loves dollar menu food… fits his budget

Naaaaaassttyy breh

Says the truck driver…