I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

Oh that average is going up. I absolutely agree I played like crap on the week 1 raid. I had greys in there.

Which is what anti-log people don’t understand. The purpose is to use them to improve.

Whatever you want to tell yourself.

I mean, you’re conveniently ignoring past xpac logs and focusing on the bosses that had achievements on them. That alone tells me how desperate you are.

Yeah I am to prove you are a muppet.

I like the turn this thread has taken.

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Yeah, Xzzy lost his/her mind after getting roasted and thinks no one noticed that its their alt :smiley: :rofl:

LUL you think you roasted me. You have lost your mind.

I guess those blues and greens are getting to you.

It’s enjoyable.

Boom, we have a confession.

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LUL you are so sad. You try and win a conversation you lost because your main is a trashcan and you are proving people who parse are the dumbest people in the game.

Every post you makes proves the OPs point.

It’s the height of irony.

That’s your rogue!?!?

Lmfao your rogue is getting smoked by me haha

I don’t post here on my rogue so no LUL.

Lmfao straight exposed!

Blue still beats grey



My rogue is a male undead LUL.

You guys have lost your marbles.


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Bro you are a grey parser lmfao.

Let me explain to you, fool, that I knew you thought I was Xzzy so I replied to your stupid comment.

My rogue has never posted here. I also haven’t done NAXX.


Get a grip, your IQ is showing.

You’re so mad right now.



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