I have made a solemn vow to level to 60 entirely without dungeons

Y’know, I don’t think he was necessarily even arguing for it. I think he was just arguing. Of course, so was I. I hate giving up.

thing is, i understand why they want it, its so they can get to the dungeon part faster, they are not interested in social interaction, and will do everything they can to avoid it…

Their main argument, is its no fun in spamming chat for people, i agree its not fun… but that only happens if you dont make friends and social networks to beginn with, they want a fix for something they dident do to beginn with…

It is true though. I’ve rushed through truly amazing content without even pausing to look. Heck, I’ve stayed behind in finished dungeons just to look around, and Mal has been through most of the content that she can solo - just so I can see what it all looks like.

screw getting your attunements started before getting level 60 amirite?

Big difference between grinding dungeons and running the occasional dungeon with decent quest rewards.

smiles HI Zonk!

See, THIS is what Classic is about. Seeing familiar names and saying hello.

still dosent change the fact that social networking and making friends take time, either you invest time in it, and have friends… or you dont, and then you will suffer later…

i mean harvesting herbs take time, if i dont have herbs ill have to buy them, they dont magically happen couse some auto bot feature…

play the game !

that’s cool zomb. I will prob do that slowly and carefully across teh 4 different alts i have planned for my own play and additional characters that will play intentionally at the low pace of friends and family i am teaching the game to.

i made my warrior specifically to lead guild teams through tanking in all amounts, dungeon runs not for exp, but for the facilitating of making my guildies successful in the joy of the experiences. i’ll go back and tank for them just to be playing the gameplay, the dungeon gameplay is where so much of the interactional gameplay magic resides.

Is dungeon content even the fastest way to level assuming you’re not repeatedly grinding them with an organized group?

You probably aren’t going to compromise the experience by pugging a couple dungeons here and there with a bunch of other curious lowbies.

Well, I’ll be Malaw on Bloodsail and I’ll bring along the same guild I’ve had for 13 years. Or, that is, the same concept.

I think Zonk will be on other than Bloodsail, but if you don’t have any other thoughts or offers, Aurora, I’d love to have you in my guild. I’ve often referred to it as a “solo” guild, since it’s mostly for companionship as you level through the content - solo. :rofl:

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i dont think, most people realice yet that if the do dungeons, they grey out quests, and destroy loads of potential rep sources, since grey quests in classic only give you a fraction of the rep…

I have to admit I learned a lot about macros in MOP trying to find a way to automate some of that tedious farming game.

Trust me there’s no reason to burn through the content… Like why would you want to race to level 60 in classic? The game almost has no longevity and we all know how it ends

So, killing six million boars won’t get me to level 60? :roll_eyes:

it will, but quests give reputation, and reputation makes everything cheaper, skills, mounts, repairs, everything…

Actually it won’t, since the mobs grey out too. Now, I guess in BfA, you COULD actually level all the way to 110 killing boars, since all mobs level with you.

Well, at least up to a certain level. I think you can only level to maybe 20 in Elwynn Forest.

hihi i guess true

Good to meet you, Aurora!

Nice to see you, Zonk!

I’m off to bed now - have a great night/morning/afternoon whatever where you are!

Country Roadsssss take me homeeee…

do the dungeons at least once! They’re fun, and you’ll make friends