I have made a solemn vow to level to 60 entirely without dungeons

Ironically dungeoning is probably the slowest and least efficient means of leveling, even if you have some kind of static group and don’t have to waste time looking for parties. Efficient questing or solo grinding is (almost) always better, with the exception of certain dungeons that have lots of easy quests like WC.

Thank you good sir/madame for exemplifying what Classic ( and games in general ) should mean for all of us. World firsts happened already, 15 yrs ago.

I have to give, the first toon ever rolled didn’t step foot in a dungeon until around lvl 55, and even then it was mistakenly stepping into Stratholme to discover it’s gated…lol. Much as though I did enjoy dungeons and raiding later in my game life, that first journey to 60 on your first toon is something special all on it’s own.

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That’s right, and unlike Vanilla Classic isn’t going anywhere. We can all play at our own pace without having to worry about the next expansion coming out and resetting everything.

I love dungeons too much, but props to you. It’s gonna be awesome.

Cool dude.

I did a bunch of dungeons for fun and to get lootz on my first level up though. I didn’t grind them but I did find loot tables and try to grab some cool gear while leveling. With classic quests there is definitely some gear but you’ll want to run some dungeons too even just for fun. Scarlet Monastery is fun. You will also have Sunken Temple quest at lvl 52.

He’ll be stuck in Arathi Highlands until his face melts.

If you really want to have the full experience, you need to do each dungeon once, while leveling, at the appropriate level, with a group of friends or strangers. The dungeons are part and parcel of the leveling experience, though no-one really ever spammed them back in the day.

Don’t worry the famous souljuhwitch will be rolling on your server.

If you are having fun…you’re doing it right.

Don’t get caught up in what others (including me) say for how you should play. If you don’t want to go through any dungeons for your leveling, great! Go for it, and enjoy yourself!

But if you find yourself in a good group, you’re having a great time exploring and questing…then someone says “Hey let’s go through this dungeon over here!”

…don’t feel like you have to say no to a dungeon run because “it isn’t efficient” for leveling. If you are having fun, you’re doing it right.

I used to play with someone who would purposefully choose talent tree options that made no sense just because he liked to have fun with figuring out how to play with it. He wasn’t always successful. But he was having fun.

Sunken Temple has so much awesome +spirit gear for aspiring young healbots! That stuff + Dreamweave items from tailoring will carry you through BRD! Not to mention Dragon’s Call and the fact that it is a total bonanza for skinners/leatherworkers. I love it so much, even though I would get lost in one minute without help. Hard to learn a place when all you do is stare at health bars :blush:

I may get to 60 weeks after you, but I will have that level 25 BiS. I don’t know any other way to play.

That sounds cool… I’m going to do the same thing… not the dungeon avoidance thing, but I’m just going to take my time and smell the Peacebloom along the way… :slight_smile:

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Dungeon Grinding is usually less efficient than questing so you are actually taking one of the most efficient methods to level which is what the speed levelers do…

dungeon grinding only becomes better when you have a set group who are built to clear the dungeons fast, so a heavy AoE group usually with either lots of caster AoE or lots of melee cleave.

to be more efficient you need the clear speed to get low each person gets 70% of the xp of a normal mob from each mob in the dungeon, so you have to be killing them significantly faster than normal grinding, plus if you are not in a set group the travel time and group forming time takes a big chunk off the efficiency.

However when you do have a melee cleave group or a caster heavy group you can easily outpace questing.

you do you, and if you have fun, you are doing it right !

just a slight note, in classic, grey quests give very little reputation…

Aurora, are you going to be on Classic (Bloodsail)?

Yaaaar :wink:

We’ll have to make sure and wave. :slight_smile:

Did you get Aurora, or is this an alt?

I never did any dungeons to speak of in Vanilla. I never even really thought about it, since I did most of my leveling just playing the game…

close to it, and this is a alt i fibbled around in retail with, its where i learnt of these amacing social networking LFG creates… sort of horrified, people can even argue for it, its such cancer