I have left the last 10 battlegrounds in a row. The quality of teammates is so abhorrent in this game

Maybe they are upset at how undergeared you are? I would say just have fun and farm kills in the losing BGs but you don’t have the DPS. The BG is usually won in the first fight and having players without 110 corruption resist and corruption on every slot is a bummer. Lets be honest if you don’t have the gear you are a free kill. Which is how it should be.

I would suggest gearing up and finding like minded PvP players to Que with. Then your win % will surely go up dramatically.

You really need far better gear though. That just isn’t even close to competitive at this stage of the expansion. Maybe you just came back which is tough but you need to farm echoes, get all sockets, get corruption, max resist etc.

Then you can enjoy winning and farming BGs and GYs.

Just made me think of this Gilneas I was in the other day:

It was the usual thing that the team could focus on the one healer. There was a shadow priest and holy priest. I always list the number of healrs and name and specs.

I did early on at WW. AFter everyone died, someone posted “That priest wasn’t a healer. Install HHTD.”

I replied, “yeah, that’s a good point but it also shouldn’t be that hard to tell if a priest is a healer priest. If the priest has shadowform like I do, he’s not a healer.”

I don’t know why I was even surprised. This happens all the time.

Just like everyone leaving a node when it gets captured only for 1 horde to recap it solo with no fight.

mabye its the blizzard overlords putting you a deserter into bgs with other frequent deserters :eye:

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Simply put if you desert 10 battlegrounds in a row you don’t need to PvP. :roll_eyes: Deserting 10 battlegrounds in a row on retail IS the sad and PITIFUL part and YOU are that part. How pathetic.


I can sympathize with your experience. That is why i have changed my perspective in bg pvp as a healer.

I pvp in bgs to just have fun now… not necessarily just to win. If i am on a losing team that clearly will not make a comeback, I look for people that are at least killing people well and whisper them and start picking fun fights to get in.

It helps me practice positioning and tactics of map locations that i would otherwise not take the time if i was just focusing on pure objectives and winning.


It used to be worse.

Back in MoP we had the plague of bots that would join a BG and run around along waypath points looking for fights.

One time I was the only human player in EotS. All the Horde bots mounted up and went in a single line over to MT, while all the Alliance bots went to MT and defended it.

This went on the entire match. The middle flag was left untouched, as was DR, BET and FRR.

Though I spose it was a good thing cos I capped the other three bases and won it for Alliance :rofl:


Oh no if I am playing a random bg I never die and just stay safely in the back which is why I also never pick orbs, my life is far more valuable to do that, the kids who want to play Cod and jump in to start fighting and die after a while are free to do that uwu

So you’re the one making me zone in with 5 seconds left in the game…boo this man!!


I agree with the “quality” of BG teammates being at an all-time low (resulting in more losses, more 1-sided blowouts, etc), but cycling thru multiple alts to ‘like’ your own thread? Come on dude :rofl:

A little too obvious…

  • all forum alts from same Bleeding Hollow server
  • same honor level (an account-wide thing)
  • very low post counts and one of them with “1 post”

This whole trend/tactic of hopping on different forum alts to give yourself free ‘likes’ and replying to your own thread is pretty cheesy/underhanded imo


Its all about playing with ‘friends’. Don’t like being victimized!? then play with ‘friends’ is all about being abused or be the abuser, your choice.

Enjoy your next game or perhaps you an play classic

No wonder you lose so often.


Do you post the same thing every post?

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He has the most bizarre mentality I’ve ever seen. You should see the spam he puts up in gd. A new thread every day ranting about how elitists are keeping him down. Blows my mind how some people can think the way he does.


I tend to stay away from GD. Once in a while I glance there for a chuckle.

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No. You can’t always control the outcome when you have 9 other people that have to carry their weight as well against other people that are just as motivated to oppose you or grief you.

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Play the objective, if nobody else does just /shrug & enjoy the zerg.

I found that Horde in classic BGs are way better than the drooling idiots on retail. I have no idea why they’re polar opposites in skill level. I win at least 80% of my games on classic and maybe like 25% on retail.

Agree w Lasmirra

The only time you should ever /afk in a bg is when your partner is in bed, saying “You gonna make me wait?”.

I enjoy good losses, as much as I enjoy good wins too. The only thing that upsets me are the cheaters using glitches and bad scaling, but they are pretty rare these days.

Been like this for a few years, I have not ever hardcored this game since 2011ish because of all what has changed and been done, biggest is how little plate/Mail/cloth/leather matters none, the fact every PVP battle is based on blowing big cool downs to succeed, that factor is the absolute worse its ever been.

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