I have just confirmed with A GM that trading Retail Gold for Classic is allowed

You mean you don’t like people cooperating by trading in a cooperative game?

Meh… who gives a rats.

$15 is like 30 mins of my real life time… for a month’s worth of WoW entertainment.

I’ll keep my in game gold.


Except they are not. Classic, and BFA, are two separate games. So negotiating a trade in classic WoW that uses resources outside the game (I.e., retail gold) should be against the TOS. You should only be able to receive in-game gold for in-game sales or services. BFA is a totally separate game.


Not if you pretend that classic is a new form of Timewalking…

He’s talking about exchanging a WoW Token on his retail account in exchange for someone giving him gold on his classic account. The people are buying game time with classic gold. I’m not sure why they would do this however.


Whats the fair amount of retail gold for wow classic gold?

A brilliant scam if you ask me. If 100 gold in classic is worth around $64, and these guys are selling WoW tokens for 200g then the poor sap that takes this deal is basically spending the equivalent of about $128 for a WoW token that costs $20…


Wait how did you come up with the $64 figure? I’m here thinking 200g for a game token is a GREAT deal…

PST me I’ll trade you a token for 200g.

PS: if that’s truly allowed and supported by Blizzard, ofc.

2 different games!


Look at the post I was replying to.

So how does that work then? Some one meets you on retail with a new toon and you trade a token, then that same person meets you on your classic server with 200 gold?

They need to be playing on your server.

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uhh, you left out the part that the $64 price is from a gold seller and against the ToS. Whatever the scammer gold seller is charging for his gold is a moot point and should not be part of the conversation. Do you buy gold from goldsellers?
Whos scamming who?

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Im glad i wasnt the only one to put this together.

Its not a moot point because there is a market value for the gold.

I dont purchase gold, its pointless IMO to ruin the longevity of a game by circumventing parts of it. Those that do end up bored, looking for another game to fill their time.


It seems both of you are condoning the act of gold-selling just by mentioning it here. To me, it seems reckless and irresponsible to even discussing the price derived from the illicit acts of gold sellers.

Hackers and thieves have set their “market price” for gold, does that make it fact and a standard to make decisions by? No, unless you yourself are in league with them somehow.
Are you a hacker or a customer?

To legally obtain gold by selling a legally purchased WoW token is obviously the only option for people that don’t want to support gold sellers and risk losing their accounts by breaking the Terms of Service.

Or is that all just a joke to you and you think Blizz is just a paper tiger? I don’t and thats why I said the value set by thieves is a moot point.


I’m wondering how in the world you would twist what I said into me condoning illegal gold selling. All i did was take what someone else said and then just did some simple math. Perhaps if you go back and re-read what I said without any preconceived prejudices you would just take what I stated at face value, which is that selling a WoW token for 200g in classic seems like a rip-off to me.


I dont support buying gold.

Nothing you say matters to me now simply because your trying to say im supporting gold sellers when all we said basicly is that 200g is expensive.


Much better :slight_smile:

The trouble is there’s no other “exchange rate” to reference at the moment to determine a dollar/classic gold value.