I have just confirmed with A GM that trading Retail Gold for Classic is allowed

What conversion rate of retail to Classic gold are you using?

Id post pictures if i knew how. I did post the pictures on reddit though Classicwow sub
im trying to bring attention to this while profiting

It doesn’t though. There is a fixed amount of gold on each Classic server (not fixed really because more can be farmed), this is just moving that gold around. It’s not creating gold or anything.

Yes, it might encourage people to grind for gold in order to do some sort of convoluted trade it to retail to get blizzard cash to convert to real dollars. However, I don’t see that as viable considering losses at each stage. There are lots of better ways to make money, even the farmers have pretty much given up on farming gold on retail.

Now, there are gold farmers and sellers in Classic but trading Classic fold for Retail gold really isn’t something they are doing, it’s much easier for them to sell Classic gold for real-world money. Blizzard does need to do what they can against that.

So here’s what I got out of that. Your spending x amount of go,d in retail to buy a wow token. You then take that wow token and trade it to another player in retail. That player then logs over to his character in classic and gives u x amount of gold. Seems like a lot of work. Also seems like it wouldn’t work in most instances. I’d imagine people might pay max of 200 gold in classic for this but the majority of players have a hard time just managing repair bills, leveling professions, and getting that epic mount. Also how much does it cost for a wow token in retail anyways. Isn’t it like 100k gold or some nonsense. How much money you got laying around in retail that this would actually work on a fluid basis?

Current price, as of a day or two ago, was 175K gold.

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This topic has been brought up many times in the past, it was almost answered in an AMA. Question #8

The answer wasn’t really definitive so make of it what you will.

GMs have also been wrong before, mabye you should ask another GM.
Just to be sure.


I’d like to see you exchange a WoW token through the trade window…


Glad you brought this up:

When a player buys a WoW Token from the Auction House for gold, they receive an actual WoW Token item, which becomes [Soulbound], and must kept in the player’s bags. WoW Tokens cannot be stored in any form of [bank].


To anyone who wants to see a GM Telling me it was ok


imgur link

Im allowed to give people my gold for classic gold

The most important part to point out is that it’s 100% unsupported. I know I’ve mentioned this in other threads and I’m glad that the GM included it in their reply. If things go south, Blizz will not step in and try to recover any lost/scammed gold.

This is a very risky thing to do with strangers, so exercise caution. Lastly, the only way a GM will find any scams is if all the details of the trade happen in-game. Do not use a 3rd party (discord etc.) to make your deals.

For those who don’t want to enter it manually, here’s a copy of the image Shadow linked to:


Cool. Now go buy multiple epic mounts and declare yourself the winner :stuck_out_tongue:

Or overpay for freezing bands or something.

The OP is 100% correct.
I went in-game and asked a GM myself to find out, he too said that selling a token on BFA side for Classic side gold was indeed a legal thing to do but to beware as this action is “unsupported”, meaning if the other party decides to rip me off, I can’t complain to Blizz and get my token or gold back.
To quote the GM, “I appreciate you reaching out to us about this so we could take a look at things. While this is something that you can certainly do, it’s definitely something to be cautious with as it’s entirely at your own risk. This would be an unsupported trade that, if it does go sideways for whatever reason, we would be unable to assist with recovering what was potentially lost.”

So believe the OP or not, its true, and its legal, and a nice option for people that work a lot irl and dont have the inclination or the time to earn gold in-game. I frankly am relieved this is an alternative if one can find someone to trade with, and I feel its none of your business if you don’t approve.


Sounds like the OP might be the one looking to scam folks.

Anyone falling for this is going to be out their classic gold quite easily.


Nah im not a scammer. Just found a method to share with all of you lol

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For what? Because you don’t like what he is saying? Get real

Tokens are soul-bound. Game tokens are not tradeable and that is why the trade has to be gold-for-gold.


I stand corrected

Just did it last night, I met my friend in Live, handed him the exact amount of gold for a token, he bought one. Logged out.
Then we met in Classic and he gave my toon gold in exchange.
Never been so relieved honestly, ok that’s an exaggeration but still, I work a lot and this solved so many problems.

Have to add, I think the GM’s are being bombarded with questions about this as both my friend and I separately checked if this method was accepted by Blizz before we made a move. Both of our GM’s said yes ofc.

It would make no sense if it wasn’t ok.