…and was wondering what my “count” is to get back to Trust Level 3. I miss my friends there. If you know any of them (ALL of them), please let 'em know.
Bit short on a few areas.
Need to reply to just a few more threads.
View about 450 more topics and read through about 19.5k posts.
That sounds like a ton, but it’s really not, especially long threads.
Well, I am trying, but forgot a bunch of stuff - like how to slow down the crawl and which messages I am supposed to choose - as I remember there’s a date barrier?
For posts and threads to count they must have been created no more than 100 days ago from the day you are reading them.
The first post outlines everything pertinent to attaining and maintaining trust levels, including windows of eligibility.
It just doesn’t track personal current metrics, is all.
Scrolling through the topics is the most grueling part
Any suggestions as to topics read?
I hate to bring up my age, but I could really use some help as to how to get through 19k topics. Which Ones?
I’m 75, but would really like to get back to my buds. If not, we’ll have to come up with an epitaph.
"Well, The Boy Tried…
He Read Till He Died…
But Don’t He Look Good When He Wins?"
Find a long one and then quickly scroll down the page, making sure that the blue dots disappear on the side of the post. I don’t think using the middle mouse button to auto scroll works, so it’s doing it the hard way : /
It does, you just have to get the timing right.
There are browser extensions that can help with it.
Be aware that long threads with images or videos can have issues loading as you scroll and can sometimes mess with the autoscroll. I will generally manually load a thread to its natural end and then autoscroll back to top.
Thats how i maintain it and on my cellphone easier on the thumbs.
You do it on the phone? That sounds painful…
Going to try that then.
not realy pretty easy like the wheel u dont have to read the post just make sure it registers.
It does, just don’t go too fast.
Those blue dots… what do they indicate
- Current posts?
- Posts not yet read?
- And are they supposed to disappear with the scrolling?
- What if they don’t - you don’t get credit?
Sorry - I knew that at one time, but it’s been a long time.
what blue dots where
This is correct. Once the post is marked as having been read, the blue dot will disappear.
Keep in mind that the post must still be within the 100-day window of creation for it to count. Even very old posts that haven’t been read yet will have a blue dot.
The blue dots besides the time of the post - to show the user they haven’t read it. Once its gone, the system counts it as ‘read’.
The indicate “not read”. I don’t know where the tracking for that is stored so be sure to use the same browser/device.
You find the blue dot at the top right of the post next to the time it was posted.
(except round)
Open a new to you thread and instantly look at that top right corner. You will see the blue dot fade as the browser registers it as “read”
I have literally never noticed that dot before now
I never saw it either until someone here pointed it out.
The date posted lets a person know if that post is within the past 100 day rolling window, and the blue dot lets them know if it was read or not.
So, that one little area of a post has the info someone needs to help up their posts read count.
Now, if only we could SEE the status of our posting account and see progress towards trust levels. I can wish for that like I can wish for a single account trust level/post count/post history/ignore/ etc.