I have become a wow refugee

Right behind you OP. I’ve never played FF14 but will be giving it a try soon. Not going to stick around for this pos mess they call a game.


They hold an unquestioned authority in that game, with tanks as complete second class citizens. The common meme is tanks being told to use defensives constantly, as a healer needing to use healing spells is considered an insult to them.

It is the most blatant example of “privledge” I have seen in any game. That you don’t notice it guarantees you play one in that game. It is basically a side-effect of the game being a console release and players refusing to play it like an mmo.

As for it being close to wow, that is not correct. It outright copies and rips off wow to the point of plagiarism.

EVERY class in that game plays exact like wow classes did back in 2013 without an original idea among them besides pointless complexity like the “bar filling” mechanics. In fact when yoshida was tasked with remaking the game for 2.0 he played wow, and that was in 2013. That every class in ffxiv plays like a single wow wow spec from early wod/late mop is not an accident.

I will divulge something. I took a 2 month break from this game to play ffxiv, and that I came back here says something. It really isn’t all that the fans say it is.

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Right, but there is still a story that connects WoD to Legion to BfA even if your character progression may not reflect it. So, in WoW, the continuity doesn’t really matter and you can skip parts of the story while, in FFXIV, it matters and so you don’t skip the story. It’s simply a different philosophy to what part a story plays in an (mmo)rpg.

Leaving a dungeon is not the same as leaving the game or disconnecting from a server. In fact, there is already an in-game penalty for leaving a duty where you are locked from doing another duty for some time. I believe WoW has something like that as well.

Giving advice is also not the same thing as making expressions that compel a play style.


Hahaha, you haven’t played with much of the FFXIV player base eh? Any advice is an attack.

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As for it being close to wow, that is not correct. It outright copies and rips off wow to the point of plagiarism.

First release: FF1 December 18, 1987.

WOW release: 2004

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Hahaha, you haven’t played with much of the FFXIV player base eh? Any advice is an attack.

From experience, the WOW playerbase has its own issues.

Theres an old story about an old man and the two travellers he met on the road to Rome you need to read sometime.

Nothing to do with story. Being that I played through all of the story in that game, I can tell you how little of a part it plays. One could coast through the msq and miss nothing, as it just exists to stop you from consuming all of the “mmo” endgame content in 2 or 3 days.

It really is just there in the same way “timegating” works in wow. One can level a character to max casually in a week or to max in one day if you do a 24 hour deep dungeon spam. One can get near raid quality gear in an afternoon if you have a max level class and can do hunt trains. In fact, I did hunt trains so much I have 340 gear (max ilvl is 400 in that game, just like wow is now) for every class just sitting in my bags as I needed to spend it on something so I wouldn’t cap.

So basically the game is a rather obtuse console game until you finish the main story. Then the “mmo” part begins, which is actually rather sparse.

A cute point, and one from someone I would expect better from. As the president says: “Sad.”

We are talking about ffxiv 2.0, which came out in 2014 after the developer admits he spent 6 months straight in wow looking for how an mmo “should play.” That ffxiv feels like wow if perpetually stuck in the end of mop drought is not accidental.

It really is just there in the same way “timegating” works in wow

Is there any part of FF14 that includes a one year timegate?


No, they prefer 2 year timegates at minimum there. Half of the expansion is the X.0 msq, and the X.1-X.5 msq are given at a set interval for the next 2 years. Each patch contains the same amount of dungeons and raids and a continuation to their artifact weapons which really only exist for glamour.

In wow, they have to make enough content for people with only one character to not get bored. In ffxiv multiclassing means that you get to grind alts as the main attraction.

No, they prefer 2 year timegates at minimum there.


Half of the expansion is the X.0 msq, and the X.1-X.5 msq are given at a set interval for the next 2 years.

Like the content patch rollouts in WOW.


Not at all. In wow, the content is optional and there is enough to do otherwise.

Like I said:
In wow, they have to make enough content for people with only one character to not get bored. In ffxiv multiclassing means that you get to grind alts as the main attraction.

In ffxiv, required parts of the story are hidden behind content patches.

In ffxiv, required parts of the story are hidden behind content patches.

Like the content patch that hides Pathfinder 2 until almost a year into BFA?


Oh my, this topic escalated quickly in the last couple hours.

I’m starting to feel this is carrying more than a small grain of truth to it, the overly defensive reaction to FFXIV almost seems like the WoW community perceives it as a threat.

At the very least, quite a few people are giving FFXIV serious consideration.
While that normally wouldn’t mean much, it also means…

… WoW is no longer untouchable.

This could make for some interesting changes in the MMORPG landscape in the next few years, especially if FFXIV (and other games) continues to do well and WoW doesn’t start recovering from its slump quickly.

Now with the obligatory contribution to the conversation over…


… please, continue.


This could make for some interesting changes in the MMORPG landscape in the next few years, especially if FFXIV (and other games) continues to do well and WoW doesn’t start recovering from its slump quickly.

I have been here since 2010…and until now I have never seen a Youtube video with tips for “WOW refugees”.

I think people ARE panicking. I think they are afraid that the people they sneered at and said leave we dont care…have done exactly that.

The gaming market is volatile and cutthroat. More than one MMO dev team would be overjoyed to see a massive influx of new customers.

Id like to stay in WOW…I would, and I do enjoy the game. But like so many others, I see issues raised that have been ignored, problems raised left unaddressed…and with respect, pleas for communication on issues lost in silence.

I could tomorrow, sit down, write a detailed and SPECIFIC thread on issues, solutions, the how and why, detailed and constructive.

I could then come back one week later and find that thread buried, unanswered and forgotten.

You can tell me all you like “but they read it all”

Do they?

I dont know that. I dont see it. I dont see any acknowledgement. I dont see an answer either. So, to all intents and purposes, whether it is intended or not, the impression given says “you wasted your time”.

Whether it is meant to give that impression or not, sllence discourages communication because there is no indication that what has been written has even been noticed.

Its like sending a letter of complaint to a company and never getting even a response of “thank you for your letter”.

“Why send them a letter when the last one either never got there and even if they did get it , what good did it do?”

For those who say to me “You dont like the game” I do. I always have. Played for eight years and happily paid for that time which to me is an investment.

But now, no.

My issues are not just with flight, but other areas which have been, to me, neglected, forgotten, or simply overlooked as “not a priority”. Some of them, are to me, gamebreaking.

But as a customer, I am finding that my input, my presence, my efforts…have been for naught and no one is listening.

Whether or not this is true…I dont know.

“They cant write an answer to every thread”

I agree.

Then again , one of my problems with WOW is that they arent talking to us enough. But then again Ive said this hundreds of times.

Nothing has changed.


You seem to be contradicting yourself. Asking tanks to use defensive cooldowns is simply asking them to play their role. Both a tank’s defensive cooldown and a healer’s healing ability are to be used together. This is just an example of FFXIV players not ignoring roles just to push DPS, but rather making use of the roles to push DPS.

A console is a platform and mmo is a game type. A game can be an mmo that is played on a console.

In other words, when putting your words together with Therric’s, we can see that there is some similarity in FFXIV that WoW players can recognize and either like or dislike and there is some difference to WoW that WoW players can like/dislike. Hence, it’s a game that some WoW players can enjoy in addition to WoW or instead of WoW.

It says that FFXIV is not for everyone, just like WoW or any other game.

Just because you don’t read the quest texts or watch the cutscenes to be able to know the story doesn’t mean your character isn’t experiencing the story.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here. Are you talking about the MSQ being separated across multiple patches in an expansion? WoW does that too with its story quests from what I can see. WoW simply makes its story quests optional it seems, unless you’re trying to unlock certain features. Then, not only do you have to do the quests, but there is reputation to farm.

The mmo part in FFXIV, just as in WoW, begins when you interact with other people either via gameplay or communication.


I dont play a game for gear. I play an MMORPG FOR FUN. Currently FF14 is fun and engaging on all levels of game play. While WoW is a hot mess.


The Google will be making a Netflix-like games soon.

Actually I play a Crafter and trader, which I used to do in WoW. The Crafting system in WoW is the worse system of any other game out there now.


I have played ffxiv. It is such a copy of wow in mop that even the reps in that game work the same way as the mop reps.

That is is being presented as some promised land by disgruntled wow players is just a bad joke.

They even have rare world bosses that give special items as mop did.

Not at all. That is an achievement.

msq is a console-game style “campaign” and there is no analogue to it in any mmo.

No, dear troll, tanks are expected to use defensives on cd even on trash just so the healer can dps the whole time. More than once tanks have been told to “use pots” so the healer can get out of doing the role they signed up for.

In wow, it is looked down upon for a dps to sign up as an offspec healer for a shorter queue. In ffxiv, that is the given in any dungeon you play outside of static groups.

In fact, it is so bad that tanks just about exclusively run in statics in ffxiv. It is bfa’s tank problem but taken to an extreme and institutionalized.

As for the community of the game, it is exclusively console gamers and ff fans. As I have said repeatedly, mmo gamers are looked down upon and considered to be a nuisance as the way mmo gamers want to play (set roles) and the way ff fans want to play (dps all the time, who cares about the role) are completely opposed.

As for the story, it is not only nonsense but dull nonsense. The game is so much better without msq that it is clear the game could be something special if they canned the console aspects and went full mmo. Really, the game only begins once the msq chores are done and you can play the mmo as an mmo.

The dungeons are all very similar, the raids are all very similar. Each X.1, X.2, etc patches tend to have the same amount of dungeons and raids. It is as cookie cutter as it comes.

Only thing truly better is the class design, and that is because it is wow’s class design from mop even down to half of the abilities being superfluous bloat.

Not at all. That is an achievement.

With a one year timegate just to be allowed to fly.

No, dear troll

Not a smart thing to say.

As for the community of the game, it is exclusively console gamers and ff fans. As I have said repeatedly, mmo gamers are looked down upon and considered to be a nuisance as the way mmo gamers want to play (set roles) and the way ff fans want to play (dps all the time, who cares about the role) are completely opposed.

People who play FF14 are FF14 fans. This is…news?