So the following post is getting the most constructive collobration and traction:
We need attention to flow to this original post. Basically just plug this link in whenever and whereever you can so that the discussion is centralized to this post.
I just plan on creating a seperate topic in GDiscussion. Idea is to do it frequently enough to raise visibility, but infrequently enough so that it’s not considered spam. I urge others to do the same. (I’ve already posted for today)
Blizzard 110% frequents General Discussion. If an influx of topics about this are created there it might force a response, regardless if the separate topics get flooded. This main one I linked is the only one that really needs to stay open.
Maybe as part of this, we should demand a proper warlock dev lead who comes here to read warlock issues so we don’t feel like we have to go to General to get seen.