I HATE Torghast. PLEASE Make Torghast NOT tied to character power/raiding

Hmm weird, i find it kinda fun. But that’s me


i liked visions maybe thats why. too much change maybe

To be fair you can love PvP/Mythic/Raid and dislike Torghast.
Though given how quickly it goes by I don’t quite see eye to eye with OP

@sadao I did like visions too

If i hadn’t gotten a really strong power on my DK that laser beam he did would’ve ended me multiple times.

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I’ll say this. Visions are way better than the tower. I loved the visions a lot

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aye sir they were fun. i liked the aspect of having to get the key first and then go for instant reward. The possibility of dying and losing progress made it more challenging and interesting. Torghast just hands u everything and says here u go boss

the have obviously dont zero tuning at all the whole game is a sheet show… the story was good thats about it … pvp is a joke, rogues and shadow priests destroy everyone. plus 1 2 3 que 10 man premade on alliance and horde. farming your legendary in dungeons is terrible. legendries will cost 100 -200 k for rank 2. they shoulda delayed this xpac till after christmas.

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I hope you are right, because this is where I got stuck on. I killed it once and it was so fast that I barely remember what happened. Then next layer it killed me so fast, so many times.

they got me serving tea and clean up after people for my covenant … its like who the heck thought this would be fun. torgast layer 3 is so overtuned you cant do it with more then 3 people.

Rank 4 plate pieces selling at 60k on my server, move to a server with an active economy.

It’s better than islands ok? I rather settle with this.

what server are you on

Frostmourne (biggest OCE server), I assume other high/full servers have similar pricing as everyone wanted to try and make profits off legendaries but atm not hugely profitable due to competition. Great for buyers though.

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screenshot these 60 k level 4s i dont believe that
for a second.

I love torghast and most people I know love. I wish they put more rewards in it. By the end of floor 6 layer 3 of the upper spires today I one shot the boss with my purge the wicked. I was the raid boss.



Considering how little time we have to spend in it (two half hour runs a week)- I actually enjoy it quite a bit. I can definitely see if I were spending as much time doing it as I had to spend on garbage content like M+ it could get tiring, but this is a rare case of Blizz making the amount of time we have to spend doing something short enough that it doesn’t outstay it’s welcome.

I still do think it needs a lot of work, but unlike Island Expeditions or the Maw at least it’s starting in a good spot.

What they should do is remove M+ from character power, it’s the worst content in the game and it goes contrary to what RPGs are about. It’s fine that some players like to speedrun things, that’s great, and it’s a community that does these things for the fun they get from doing them.

Trying to force speed runs on everyone in the game was a major mistake, that should solely be a thing for some achievements and never should have been character power. It’s almost a good concept- make dungeons harder with scaling and new mechanics that change regularly. That’s where it should have stopped, but then they decided to put a timer on it and make it the best way to get gear in the game.

As long as M+ exists, I think they should be putting character power options into more things not less to maybe give everyone else something other than speed runs to do.

Cleared all four wings, sub 150 ilvl as melee solo- had trouble once on the heal debuff mobs, and once due to just getting really bad powers. Otherwise, no issue- and the content is just going to get easier and easier.


and if they are 60 k they wont be when they are actually needed. its called inelastic/elastic inflation. there is no demand for 60 k. but i promise they cost way more then 60 k to level . dude is just trying to mkae his money back if anything. BIG GUILDS INFLATE ECONOMYS HARD PUMPING WOW TOKENS INTO THE GAME. THEN THE GOLD FARMERS TAKE THE TOKENS OUT OF THE GAME BY SELLING THE GOLD. blizzard and gold farmers have always worked together. take 1 gallywix out 5 more appear.

IDK about all that. I tried doing level one and couldn’t deal damage to the boss because it’s a rogue-like and I’m a rogue. Or something like that.

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If you find combat in this game to be fun, you will like Torghast. If you don’t find combat fun you won’t. Because combat is all there is in there really.


Torgast sucks. It’s not fun. It’s not balanced. You either get good RNG or you have a really really bad time.