I hate the Zandalari storyline

And for probably what will seem like a seemingly stupid reason too…

The spiders…

The whole story involves a whole bunch of spiders at a certain point (Namely in the Web of Lies section) and it’s absolutely a nightmare in game form for me. I’ve broken out in a sweat and nearly hurled twice now from this section of the quest because it’s absolute hell for my arachnophobia. The spiders in this game freak me out like heck (I feel like Blizzard has a spider obsession or something…) but none have caused as big a reaction as the Zandalar spiders have and hhh I haaaaate it. I just want to get up to 120 level (And questing is the easiest way to do that solo as I don’t do dungeons/raids because my computer’s shoddy and laggy with the game) so that I can get the WQs and get enough rep for the fricking Vulpera race but atm I’m suffering through this story… ;.;

I’ve enjoyed the storyline up until I got the first major spider quest, then I hated it, then I saw the giant spider on the wall in the temple of one of the quests and now it’s my most hated storyline to play.

I’m not asking for Blizzard to cater to my phobia or anything, I still like the game, I guess I just wanted to get it off my chest. I’m still sweating, and frankly idk if anyone else has freaked out from that storyline from the same phobia or something, as there’s not at all many that bring it up…
I know I’m gonna get people telling me to stop being a wuss or something because I’m used to that as upsetting as it is, but god I’m gonna ditch the Zandalari quest and camp in Vol’Dun farming exp from those sand lizards from this point, or go to Nazmir if they don’t have the same issue, idk…

First post I make on these forums and it’s a vent/rant. Why am I not surprised.
Also idk what section to post this, the Quest section I just assumed was for asking for help there or something. >.>’


ohh i hate it to, theres a couple of other games i have played that i got up n walked away because it was spiders for 3 damn days lol

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Don’t mind me, just marking down some names of people to follow around with my spider mount when I eventually get it.


I too have arachnophobia, though I find the spiders in WoW cartoony enough to bypass the majority of my heebiegeebies. Unless they jump out at me or I fail to see them onscreen before they attack, I am usually okay.

I wish you the best, my friend!



spiders are cool, they’re chic

the real villains are wasps


Please please please don’t post pics of spiders in this thread…
To the person that posted that gif, this is exactly what I was talking about when I said I know nobody would take my phobia seriously… please don’t…


am i the only one that has ever let scorpions loose in my house so id never have to see spiders again?


Nobody tell OP about Maldraxxus.

For their own sake.

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Yeah well, it hates you too.

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How can you hate that cute little guy.


Sorry for having a phobia ig…
How can I get a thread removed? I can tell by the replies that this was a bad idea.

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Unfortunately Shadra (big a!* spider on the temple wall) is a Spider Loa and has been in the lore for a very long time. There’s even a place called Shadra’alor in Vanilla Hinterlands. I get it, because that’s me with roaches. Even the blocky vanilla models somehow look and move waaay too realistically and seeing a giant Roach God on a wall would make me pee my pants (in equal parts fear and laughter tbh). But it is what it is. :frowning:

Any other gamers in the house? Buy them a drink and have them run the Shadra part for you maybe? It’s short iirc.

(Oh and do NOT do the Atal Dazar dungeon either if your arachnophobia is that severe. Spiders are a main boss mechanic.)


Finishing up the war campaign should also help you level while avoiding spiders, just don’t wander off the path in Drustvar and you should be good. Each “stronghold” is worth about a half an exp bar.

Good luck.

I understand how you feel, OP. I’m okay with spiders but I have a bad fear of water. Even in video games it freaks me out and being “underwater” for too long will cause me to go into a panic attack.

With my fear, I have a general idea of where to avoid. With spiders, on the other hand, they’re pretty much all over in WoW. :frowning: Like Fumu mentioned, the last boss of Atal’Dazar summons a bunch of spiders for the entire fight. So I think you would have to stay away from that dungeon (or at least that boss.)

Outside of the quest line you are currently doing and the last boss of Atal’Dazar, I don’t recall there being any crazy spider heavy areas you might need to avoid. Everywhere else is spiders popping up as regular mobs which truthfully I don’t think you can really avoid throughout the game. :confused: You just gotta find a way past it, I suppose. But yes, definitely avoid the last boss of Atal’Dazar.

I hope you can figure out how to complete that quest line soon, best wishes to you. :slight_smile:


There IS that one token Spider Forest waaay up in north Nazmir by Kimbul, but it’s so easy to pass over that I only found out there even WAS a quest hub there because of a random WQ.

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How do people with spider phobias even manage to play WoW? Theres so many spiders everywhere.

I’m glad none of my phobias are severe enough to hinder my WoW addiction :wink:

:spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web:

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Don’t expect changes. Giant, monstrous spiders are a staple of fantasy books and games.

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Is this what we call “Spiderism” ?

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I can understand the fear of spiders… for me, it helps that in this game, I can default to the reaction of “Kill it with Holy Fire”. :wink: