I hate the Alliance, but I love Alliance players

I feel like this needs to be said.

I hate your faction. I hate everything it stands for. I hated it since WarCraft: Orcs vs. Humans. I hated it through Tides of Darkness. I hated the Alliance through WarCraft III, and I’ve hated the Alliance every single day for the past 18 years playing World of WarCraft. I hate law & order. I hate imperialism. I hate “faith first” civilizations. I hate human supremacy.

But I have nothing but love for those of you who play Alliance characters.

We love the same game. We share Azeroth together. We both sit on the edge of our seats waiting for the next big announcement. We share so many things in common, and I don’t consider us enemies, but friends so close as to freely consider ourselves family. This is no exaggeration; finding out that you play World of WarCraft is enough to convince me to invite you into my home and let you in to my extremely exclusive social world. It’s one of the most significant traits I can have in common with another person.

So, whoever you are, and where ever you go in life… if you’ve ever loved this game, even for a moment, you’ll always have a friend in Shreds.


That’s not what you said that one time at Goldshire :upside_down_face:


Love has become so cheap these days.

Good. Can’t afford gas anymore, so stock up on love instead.


Eu is banning new Combustion engines in 2035.

I don’t run on love I run on caffeine and spite

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Even I hate it.

If I could play Horde (or the Twilight Hammer for that matter) as a Night Elf DK, I would.

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The problem is that Blizzard strongly dislikes both Alliance and Alliance players.
Is there one, just one person in Blizz who plays Alliance?


I understand you, OP. I also hate the Alliance, but they have Lovecraft elves so here I am.

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I’d probably play a Troll if factions did not exist.

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That’s not hard to do when most Europeans don’t even own a large enough motor vehicle.

@Shreds I would have picked Horde first, and it would have been an orc warlock instead of a human warlock had it not been for “peer pressure”. Now people will criticize Chris Metzen, but his writing showed how corrupt and evil the Alliance can be, and that the Horde can be a force of virtue and good.

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Alliance don’t have enough spikes, that’s a big minus from me. Besides I like the chemistry between the horde races, the orcs and the taurens, the undead and their slyvannas bodypillows, oh yeah blood elves also exist. Goblin cartel are awesome and can do no wrong and I’m not saying this because I owe them money.


Alliance has pretty much always been “Humans and Friends”

And Horde USED to be “Orcs and Friends” but has since changed to “Elves and Animals, with an occasional Orc on the side”

Imo, both factions kinda suck and are stagnated to all hell.

That’s what happens when you have a narrative based around a faction war that’s almost been going on for 30 years now, lol.

It’s extremely stale. And the best part is there will never be a winner between the two factions because it’s an MMO. Alliance is the closest it’s ever been to dead in terms of popularity, even if the lore doesn’t reflect it. Yet they “won” the wars/warfronts between BFA and Legion supposedly.

After Shadowlands, immersion is difficult.

I wish they had no factions, or mixed factions not based on race, like FF14 having three factions and you can choose which city-state you want to be a part of.

If I could be an Alliance Goblin, I would lol.


Always loved being the Horde underdog for a long time… But then Draenei…

My experience so far is the alliance that I’ve qued with have been really chill and nice.

In game, I tend to enjoy both.

… On the forums however, I enjoy the faction but generally hate the playerbase.
— On the forums, Horde players are generally knowitalls - but many of the Alliance are more whiney and entitled, eager to derail or take something away even if something in return is offered to them - simply to take away from the Horde.

… At least that was the case a few years ago. Now days I see that less so (but still evidently seen), which is good. Perhaps a new leaf is starting to turn? …

Personally, I’d love to see Alliance get more inner-conflict & strife like Blizzard suggested - since Horde has had nothing but that since Cataclysm.

I’d also love to see the Alliance get more racial recognition, for their various races storylines. There’s so so, SO much potential there -

  • They tapped the keg of the Dwarves storyline a bit, but there’s more to be explored if they play their cards right.
  • Night Elves, could unleash godly amounts of story if they dive into the Highborne ranks that joined their people (In Cataclysm) and explore their ancient civilisations ruins + perhaps restore some ancient customs long since buried to mend the still sizzling animosity between the two groups of their people …
  • Draenie - Have them restore & rebuild / remodel the Azuremyst Isle, bringing back artifacts & inspiration from Eredath (Formerly known as ‘Mac’Aree’) on Argus, and various temples on alternate Draenor (Auchindoun & Shattrath) – They’ve built similar structures, retaking their place and building a civilisation in Azeroth, their new home - Yet some remnants of the Legion that remain have other ideas …

Those are just some ideas that could be pitched, but they’d be bloody cool ones. With the city of Gilneas’s restoration on the rise - hopefully they actually go with their word and make it a full fledged Alliance city too, with a portal room.

Why would you hate the best faction?

Why would people hate something Goc?

Many people generally hate somethings, generally knowing it could be so much more.

Christ Metzen is beyond criticism. He is the Redeemer of Azeroth and he will return for his children.

Before he left, Christ Metzen said to us: “Let not your hearts be troubled; you believe in the Horde, believe also in Me. In Blizzard’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare an expansion for you. And if I go and prepare an expansion for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

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That’s the kind of note you get before you end up missing