I wish I could say the same about my experience playing as Horde - when I made Horde on ZulJin in Legion because of the split narrative, all I met with was rudeness. (Note, I do not hate Horde players, as I explain below, lol. Just realized, reading back, how this sentence may have sounded like that)
I was insulted if I tried to talk in general/lookingforgroup chat, telling me that “they don’t do that here” - Any time I tried to initiate conversations in dungeons, no one would talk. If I tried to explain fights in LFR - they’d yell at me or even kick me.
I joined I think 3 guilds in that time, and I was kicked from all of them for having the audacity to not be online for a week or two occasionally while I played my Alliance - something I let them know dang well was going to happen when I joined. Meanwhile, my Alliance on Garrosh was still in their original guild 6 years after I had last logged onto them - and yes, they were an active guild. I told them ahead of time I was switching servers and I may or may not be back - and they left me in just in case I was.
The last guild I joined claimed to be trying to build a “family” and wouldn’t remove people unless they were gone 6+ months. I was kicked a month after Shadowlands launched, despite telling them I would be gone for a bit to focus on my main toons in the new expac. (EDIT: And no, it wasn’t a space issue - they forgot to kick one of my toons and they had literally 150 members)
I had no real remorse when I deleted my 12 level 50 Horde that I had made and learned to like in Legion, because the players ruined the experience for me.
It’s entirely possible I just got a bad realm, or just encountered the toxic people on the servers, but it really painted that I don’t resonate with Horde players.
Almost all, if not all, of my real life friends are Horde, and they are great, and I’ve met a few people who play both factions in low level alliance bgs, but that’s about it.
I’m still not going to hate on someone for a faction they chose though - I just don’t see Horde as a fit for me, because of my experience during Legion. I am also not going to generalize and say all Horde players are X, because that’s not true. I’m just going to say I did not have a pleasant experience on Horde after 2 years of trying it and I don’t see myself going back.