I hate the Alliance, but I love Alliance players

I wish I could say the same about my experience playing as Horde - when I made Horde on ZulJin in Legion because of the split narrative, all I met with was rudeness. (Note, I do not hate Horde players, as I explain below, lol. Just realized, reading back, how this sentence may have sounded like that)

I was insulted if I tried to talk in general/lookingforgroup chat, telling me that “they don’t do that here” - Any time I tried to initiate conversations in dungeons, no one would talk. If I tried to explain fights in LFR - they’d yell at me or even kick me.

I joined I think 3 guilds in that time, and I was kicked from all of them for having the audacity to not be online for a week or two occasionally while I played my Alliance - something I let them know dang well was going to happen when I joined. Meanwhile, my Alliance on Garrosh was still in their original guild 6 years after I had last logged onto them - and yes, they were an active guild. I told them ahead of time I was switching servers and I may or may not be back - and they left me in just in case I was.

The last guild I joined claimed to be trying to build a “family” and wouldn’t remove people unless they were gone 6+ months. I was kicked a month after Shadowlands launched, despite telling them I would be gone for a bit to focus on my main toons in the new expac. (EDIT: And no, it wasn’t a space issue - they forgot to kick one of my toons and they had literally 150 members)

I had no real remorse when I deleted my 12 level 50 Horde that I had made and learned to like in Legion, because the players ruined the experience for me.

It’s entirely possible I just got a bad realm, or just encountered the toxic people on the servers, but it really painted that I don’t resonate with Horde players.

Almost all, if not all, of my real life friends are Horde, and they are great, and I’ve met a few people who play both factions in low level alliance bgs, but that’s about it.

I’m still not going to hate on someone for a faction they chose though - I just don’t see Horde as a fit for me, because of my experience during Legion. I am also not going to generalize and say all Horde players are X, because that’s not true. I’m just going to say I did not have a pleasant experience on Horde after 2 years of trying it and I don’t see myself going back.

Sweaty people exist on both sides.

The best you can do is just poke fun at them as you laugh your way out the door.

The people who spend way too much time in this game and lost touch with reality.

No sir you are not an orc you are a human being behind the screen. You are the same as the dude out in the woods larping saying fireball. Except hes better because he doesn’t exclude

My best advice to everyone is:

Don’t play Alliance unless you’re on Moon Guard.

Don’t play Horde unless you’re on Wyrmrest Accord.

I understand you, there’s only so much human storylines one can endure before getting super bored.

You need orc Jesus

I’m calling my therapist.

I really like the way gear looks on alliance races. As well as their animations and sounds. I despise everything about horde lol. Maybe next patch I’ll go full time alliance :grinning:

I don’t say this to people. If someone believes they are an orc, I will treat them as an orc. I believe people get to chose their own identity, unconditionally.

Does that mean someone identifying as an attack helicopter is valid?

Probably not, because that’s a hyperbolic statement. But I have friends who are furries, otherkin, “vampires,” and a host of other things when it comes to how they regard themselves, and they’re my friends because I respect how they choose to self-identify and I support how they wish to be seen. :person_shrugging: It’s up to the individual, of course. Nobody has to play along. Nobody has to be friends. But if you like WoW, I like you. Simple as that.

That’s very nice of you.

I believe in tolerance but I don’t know I can’t do that. I feel like that is setting them up for failure somehow

Chris Metzen used to play a Human Paladin. But he’s long gone now, and seemed to be way outnumbered even when he was there.

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but seriously, to each their own

We all die eventually, so we’re born set up for failure.

If they refuse to stop identifying as an orc, then refusing to acknowledge how they identify only means one thing - you won’t be welcome in their life.

If this is no great loss to you, then that’s fine. But I find such people to be fascinating, and I’d rather know them and be privy to how they navigate life than not know them.

One of the “vampires” I know has identified as a vampire for 40 years, as long as I’ve been alive. I can’t imagine how anyone could set him up for failure. He’s more committed to being a vampire than most people are to their marriage.

Even then, I wouldn’t really consider him an Alliance supporter.

Christ Metzen is the only person beyond the Horde/Alliance conflict.

He is the quintessential human paladin hero. That’s all him. That’s his vibe.

But he’s also Thrall, and every Shaman.

Metzen is the guy in the Alliance hoodie holding the Doomhammer on stage.

He is the distilled essence of “For Azeroth.”

Asking him to choose between the factions is like asking Stephen King if he prefers Roland Deschain or Pennywise. He is Roland Deschain and Pennywise!

Metzen is the Horde.
Metzen is the Alliance.

All hail Christ Metzen.

Metzen has said before that his heart lies with the Horde.

You’re a better man than I

Shhhhh. Metzen transcends words.

About as much as Blizzard top brass transcends consent.

But Chris, we don’t know what the expansion will be, and how can we datamine it?