<I hate it here> H - Turalyon Recruiting for SoD N/H Progression

Guild & Faction: - Turalyon [Horde]
Raid Times/Days: Wed/Mon 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm EST.
Current Progression: 7/10 N SoD
Recruitment Discord: funkeoto#8862
Application: Just hit us up, we will set up a discussion!
Requirements: A positive attitude and a willingness to grow together
Needs: Mainly DPS to add to our roster, really looking for anyone who is trying to play through SoD with a bunch of friends and down some bosses.
Note: We all have prior experience with Heroic and Mythic raiding but are taking a bit easier this tier and looking for a more casual experience. We are mostly just coming back from a break and trying to work together to eventually get AoTC with no pressure or sweating involved, just good times.
Feel free to reply here or message me on discord if you are interested!

I sent you a discord request.

Saw this and was interested. I will connect on discord.

Sent you a discord friend request

Still looking for more people to bolster our ranks! Hit me up on discord is preferred!