I hate how they're trying to make the horde "good". It's nonsense

One of the biggest things that really irks me about this game from a long time horde player is how they keep trying to make the horde better and better morally every single expansion. It’s totally out of touch with reality, and makes the lore seem clowny and unbelievable. Let me explain why…

The horde isn’t a normal society. It centers around the orcs, who have faced hardships and struggles their entire lives, and are forged in the fires of war, and blood. So they have to be strong, they have to make tough decisions, and it is part of their culture to fight and vye for strength even if it doesn’t make sense. That’s right, it’s part of their culture historically speaking for them to be warriors that will do nothing other than fight even if it doesn’t make sense. They have always been a warrior culture.

The blood elves are power-hungry, greedy, cunning, vicious high society that is always trying to get a leg up on the rest of the world. They seem to have tried to redeem the blood elves by making them holier than thou “We are good guys now!” With some little weird blurb about them kicking out void elves which makes no sense but sure. They keep trying to change them from this cunning genius society to them being boring, generic, good guys now. It doesn’t make sense.

All the other races of the horde, They keep trying to make cute and look fuzzy and friendly and nice. This is so out of touch with how the way the horde actually is. It’s a brutal tight-knit community of separate factions That help when needed, but they are not attached at the hip…

The alliance however is a totally different story. Totally integrated society of people from different cities that come and trade with one another and intermingle all around each other. They also reflect the good and bad of humanity, humans make lots of mistakes, they make bad decisions, they think they know better. They also made them look like they are infallible genius people who are only doing good things. I mean look at the way they describe our current leader at The Alliance. We are the best! We are perfect! We never make bad decisions! It’s ridiculous


You see what happened was…

The 4th War took place, the horde lost, but both the alliance and horde were essentially wiped out of soldiers…so all of the “old school” orcs are dead. All of the old orc leaders are either dead or pushed to the background.

Their generations of constant war-mongering had led to a societal reset in the horde because they had insisted on fighting even when it didn’t make sense. It was inevitable, really, especially after a few major defeats. After Garrosh allowed Ogrimmar to fall in MoP and fled, the horde was essentially in a nose dive until it finally crashed in BFA.

Now, the only orcs that are really left are those that were smart enough to see that violence wasn’t the only answer, like Thrall, and since they are the only ones left, they get to rebuild the Orcs with that new philosophy.


bad bad horde, go to room, NOW!

Blizzard has been pushing them that way as of Warcraft 3 ever since it became Thrall’s Horde.

They had some warmongers around, but they all got killed after deciding they wanted to pick a fight with absolutely everybody.

It feels like we’re heading to a point where the factions are kind of obsolete, and the story will focus on the individual cultures within each faction rather than Horde or Alliance which has always carried the complaint of being too Orc/Human focused.


and you know…? I’m perfectly fine with this, as long as they ACTUALLY FOCUS ON THE INDIVIDUAL CULTURES.

instead of you know…making all main Narrative Characters be Orcs, Humans, and Elves.


100% agree with op.


Even if the soldiers were dead, the culture remains the same.

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How battle for azeroth should of ended. The war went so big it left both armies helpless. N’zoth explodes out and takes all the chips. No alliance no horde, just the black empire. The leaders of both armies wiped out. The souls of all champions have a nice nap in limbo or something. Maybe N’zoth took control of the sword. The wards holding the champions break a couple hundred of years later and the champions then go face down n’zoth and rebuild a world without factions or other restrictions. Then have starting experiences based off of that with the purpose of chromie time is to show the world as it used to be to new adventurers to see the world how it once was.


What are you talking about?

They haven’t done anything with the horde since wod

We were just generic villian in BFA and entirely irrelevant every other xpac


I’m sure the elves will continue to dominate the story, and they’ve clearly been wanting Anduin to be a major player for a very long time so I doubt they’re gonna toss him out anytime soon.

Though it’d be nice to get certain races more screen time.


Bud, WC3 came out over 20 years ago, you missed your shot to complain.


This idea that wc3 meant the Horde was going completely heroic, irreversibly is not valid…

The only really villainous character in the horde in WC3 killed himself in an act of redemption.

Thrall basically spent RoC saving civilizations. First the Darkspear, then the Tauren, then the Nelves.


None of that proves that the Horde was going irreversibly heroic. Thrall himself may have arguably been a heroic figure, but his circumstances shaped his choices. Thrall going full blown Green Jesus in WoW has always been met with a lot of criticism.

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Horde Elf players (generally) won’t stop complaining until any and all traces of Orcs are gone, and it’s just Red Alliance.

Anyone that plays Horde and complains about mud-huts and spikes or whatever should have their Horde license revoked. Especially if they’re an elf.

Elves becoming easily a third or more of the faction player-wise has also destroyed identity.


This would actually make for an interesting story. Like Iran after the Iran-Iraq war, which bred up a generation of people who hate the government and are now rebelling against leadership whenever they can.

I’ve been playing Blood Elves since Cataclysm and I don’t remember them being power hungry, greedy, etc. In fact back in Warcraft III they were overrun by Arthas and the scourge. When I came along they were struggling to take the Ghost Lands back.


No they aren’t. Blood elves have never been that.


Aside from Horde elf generalization that I admit seems to be at least partially accurate, I agree. There is a rot in the community that blizzard is refusing to acknowledge and purposefully make efforts to combat by ignoring certain kinds of people, and avoiding letting certain kinds of of people have an impact on the writing in their staff.

Disagree. It’s how the elves were written that truly destroyed faction identity.

That’s because you are clueless, tiff.

They 100% have been… jfc you people have no place having input on the Blood Elves.

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I think I’d rather eat a pound of asphalt emulsion in one go then have a third round of the villain bat, particularly since everything that needed to be said or done with that was pretty much done by the end of Mists.

Now, if the Alliance was actually the warmongering villains for a change? If their player base had to turn and look at each other and go “Wait, are we the baddies?” Then you might have something. Not likely but you might.